Spoils of war

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Few months later

I went on so many missions with the guys and omega had some amazing adventures and I gotten closer to hunter than I was back in. The clone wars. Obviously I had to keep my Jedi identity a secret unless it's necessary.

I was walking in town getting some stuf . I went to the bar to see a lizard named cid and the bad batch we're talking.

Cid noticed me "agh! There you are jedi girl" she said "you just missed a meeting for a mission"

"What mission?" I asked raising my brow.

"To the castle where dooku lived" wrecker said to me.

Dookus castle? What are we gonna do there?


We head to the planet the group and I got out of the maurauder.

"So where is this palace?" Asked wrecker.

"The city is on the opposite side of the mountain range." Tech said as they head off.

I looked to se omega standing there "you coming" I asked as she follows.

Then we head to the edge of the mountain to see the city destroyed.

"That's the city?" Omega asked "what happened to it"

"Imperial bombardment. Same as on kamino" echo said. As we continue on walking.

We got a closer look to see what they are up to "it appears they are beginning to transport the war chest off world" tech said. "Our window of opportunity is quickly closing."

Tech gives to the scope to echo "there's over 40 troopers down there"

Wrecker grunts "That's nothing"

"Stealth wrecker remembers?" Omega asked.

Then we looked to see ship's following a transport.

"Imperial escort ships" tech said "the standard protocol for when high level cargo is being transported." Tech said.

"You get to the nearest container and grab what you can" hunter said "Athena and I will be the eyes on the ground if things go sideways I will divert their forces and buy us some time."

Hunter and I go down to see transports going by we stoped by a tree and what's what's happening.

"In position. And the second transports launching" techp said in the comms.

"We've got roving patrols stay alert" i said as hunter and I started to sneak out way to buy them some time.

Once we're we're done we head back to a tree to hide.

"Still have rose skills of sneaking around" i teased.

"You know me" he said.

"Hunter, Athena were about to have company. We could use the diversion just about now" echo said on the comm.

"On it"  he said ready to press the button as some ship started to explode before common the group "we're heading your way be ready" he grabs my hand and pulls me to run."

"Hunter we're trapped in the container we can't get out" we stopped when we heard omega.

"On our way" I said

Wrecker runs up to us "I think they know somethings up"

"We're done hiding anyway" hunter said as we went to the cargo to but to late to make it to climb fully but we went to a building.

"Where are you guys" omega said.

"Sorry kid we got little sidetracked you need to get off that ship before it jumps into hyberspace" i said in the comm.

"If we gain access to the ships main hold, we could commandeer an escape pod" tech said on the comm.

"Do it. We'll get to the maurader and recover you" hunter said.

"It's gonna take a while" wrecker said as we saw troopers shooting at us.

We went inside to find another way out. Then we finally be a contol room as troopers came to us.

"Any way out of here?" Wrecker said.

I looked down at the floor that looks unbalanced "we're not going out we're going down there's a lift below us"

Hunter goes to it and tries to get the lift the move.

"What is taking so long?" Wrecker asked.

"I'm trying. Tech usually does this" hunter said

"I'll make it go faster" wrecker said jumping on the lift.

"Wait Don-" I couldn't finish when we began to fall.

The leader and the Jedi (hunter X jedi OC)Where stories live. Discover now