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We're still stuck on the planet whith our ship stolen right now We we're trying to get a speeder running.

"We're waisting out time" wrecker said. "This skiffs a heap of junk"

"Yes but with a few repairs it'll be slightly operational heap of junk" tech said "the energy have just enou to get us to the town on the other half of the hemisphere"

"We forgot about gonky" omega said "he's still on the maurauder"

"I'm afraid since the thief disabled the ships transponder we will not be able to locate him" tech explains

A thought popes in my head "I think she means we can track gonky" I said

"Ingenious idea try doing a trace on his binary reference code" tech said

Then I watched omega do what tech said "I'm getting a reading. I think I found gonky" she said.

"You found him?" Wrecker asked surprised.

"His signals 100 kilometres east" she said"If gonkys still on the planet the maurauder must be too"

"Let's get this thing running and find out" I said.

Once we got to the closest track signal we found a place so strange.

"Gonky signal is pinging from down there" tech said "I'm reading minimal life-forms in his proximity but an unknown number in the subterranean level."

"This place looks worse than the abandoned spaceport" wrecker said.

"We'll do a split approach stay alert" i said


Once we got down we see gonky with a frustrating boy.

"What am I gonna do with a defective power droid?" He asked.

"That's our defective power droid" hunter said as we walked up to him. "Now where's our ship?

The boy was gonna run away but wrecker stops him "hey gonky you okay" wrecker asked.

"What do you care how that things doing?" The boy asked. "It's just a beat up old battery.

"Not to us" omega said.

"Let's try that again" i said taking off my helmet "where's our ship"

"Can you be more specific" the boy asked.

"The one you stole yesterday" omega said.

"That ship mokko has it he gave me the droid as a gift"

"And who is this mokko?" Tech asked.

"He runs this town he's our boss your ships his now"

"We'll see about that" wrecker said scaring the kid.

"Take us too it"

Later the boy names benni us where the ship is be for explaining to us "techno union ran this mine during the war but mako took over and they were forced out he's kept this operation running ever since"

"So you're an ipsium minor and a ship thief" omega asked.

"Moko says they're useful skills"

"Stealings not a skill"

"It is when you're good at it"

"The central portal is ray shielded,and all subterranean entrances appear to be guarded in shifts" tech explained.

"We've stormed tougher strongholds than that" wrecker said.

"You can't use blasters inside an ipsium mine you'll destroy everything and everyone in there cut your losses now" bennie said making wrecker growl at him.

The leader and the Jedi (hunter X jedi OC)Where stories live. Discover now