The crossing

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we head to a planet where cid tell us she has a mine she purchased for some ipsium. It's dangerous stuff to use but she needs it. Cid warned us about poachers in the area.

Tech and hunter is mining the ipsium while wrecker, omega and I are on lookout.

Then I heard my comm beep as I answered "Athena we require your assistance" tech said in the comm.

"On my way" I said as I got to them tech asked me to climb up as I did and hunter gave me a tool "now what?"

"Drill into the fossilized quartz until you reach the active ipsium Inside" Tex said "but it must be precise if the mineral becomes compromised during the retreival..."

"Chain reaction, explosion. Got it" I said. As I drilled and did a bunch before we finished and went back outside.

"That storm is changing course" wrecker said.

"The weather patterns on this planet are most irregular" tech said.

"We have what we came for let's get back to ord mantell.

Then out of nowhere we saw the ship flying. It was stolen.

"You we're supposed to be on lookout" hunter said to wrecker.

"There was no one there" wrecker said.

"Clearly that was not the case" tech said.

"There has to be a way to get it back right?" Omega said. No one answered and looked at the storm.

"Tell me wrecker, how exactly did you miss our ship being compromised?" Tech asked.

"Maybe if you hadn't docked it out of view, I would have seen someone approaching" wrecker said back.

"We'll there was no other suitable landing zone wrecker"

I sighed "we can't stay here where's the nearest town?"

"During our approach, I scanned a spaceport approximately 40 klicks south of here perhaps we can acquire transport there" tech said.

"You know how long that would take?" Wrecker asked.

"We'll since we do not have access to the long range communications without our ship, it is our only option"

Then we started walking i was further than the other when omega decided to go on her comm "havoc 4 this is havoc 5 do you copy? Echo? Are you there?"

"he's too long range. Echo won't pick up our signal" hunter said.

"Especially since he's disabled his communication device?" Tech adds.

"what why?" Omega asked

"I assume he's on a sensitive mission"

Then we turned and saw a storm and ran to avoid so it we have to find shelter.

"Where's the ipsium?" I asked a we saw it flying as it exploded making it block the doorway.

"So, now we are trapped and we have lost all of our ipsium." Tech said.

"I suppose that my fault too?" Wrecker said.

"Technically yes. If you had not let our ship get stolen, we would be aboard it right now with the mineral"

Hunter sighs "let's just start digging our way outta here."

Then for a while the guys we're getting the rocks out while omega and I look at tech data pad.

"SomethingS not right" omega said "the marauders transporter isn't relying a signal"

"It was probably disabled by the thief who commandeered it." Tech said.

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