The return

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I walked down to find crosshair shooting some targets.

I ran down as batcher runs up to me and nuzzled as I petted her. I walked toward crosshair and notice the bowl full of fruit.

"I guess the people found you then?"

"Their ability to do so is uncanny" Crosshair said.

I leaned to a rock "I know what you're doing but you can't keep hiding. You need to talk to your brother."

"I'm not hiding I'm training" he shoots before looking at his hand it's still shaking.

"You know I'm sure azi could look at your hand for you."

"I'm fine" he said.

I shrugged "So what skills does this require, besides good sight?"

"Being a sniper is more than just looking through a scope.It's about patience. Reading the environment. And knowing when you've got eyes on you" he looks up.I looked up to see hunter and wrecker watching us "they don't trust me."

I stand up "give it time but you will have to talk to them" I looked up and shook my head at them then I heard a whistle then looked up to see a ship. Also tech has told me a lot about you nothing but positive. In fact he was the one that thought about rescuing you when you sent the message. It made me Wish he was still with us"

Once I was there and the ship land omega hugs the echo.

"what? No hug for me?" Crosshairs said at that moment I wasn't even sure if he's joking or not.

"That depends on how good your Intel is."

Later in the evening we all get together for dinner and omega explain what happened back where i was hidden. "They were using clones for testing, taking samples.Most were held in the detention wing, but i never saw what was in the vault. Even emerie wasn't allowed access."

"Emerie?" Echo asked.

"She works for hemlock. She's a clone." They all were shocked to hear.

"And what about you?" Echo asked "anything else to add"

"Inwas a prisoner. Not much to tell" Crosshair said.

"We've been searching for this base for a long time. Acurate intels are hard to come by We need to know all we can before making any moves."

"We have nala ses datapad" omega shows them the datapad "but it isn't working anymore "If we can get it online, we should be able to pull more intel on Tantiss."

"It could have schematics entry points maybe even the coordinates of the base itself" hunter said.

Imperial encryption will be a problem" echo said "especially without tech."

"Plugging it into an Imperial terminal will bypass the encryption." Crosshair said.

"Where do we get one of those" wrecker asked.

Crosshair"we know a facility. Remote, understaffed. It shouldn't be a problem to infiltrate"

"Crosshair, Athena . echo and I will go to this remote facility" hunter said. "wrecker and omega you stay here."

"We're finally togetherand you want to split us up?" Omega said

"We just got you back. I am not going to risk you getting captured again " he said.

"Yeah we escaped but I left all those clones behind I need to do this hunter."he finally agreed.

Later we were getting ready to go crosshair and hunter were giving glances to each other.

"Don't hold it against him" Crosshair said. "He's only worried about omega"

"I know" I said. "You think she should stay behind too?"

" she's capable but she went through a lot."

"Yet I hear she's older than you so that makes you her little brother " I scoffed. He chuckled.

Then we heard footsteps to see wrecker "I don't know if this'll fit but here" wrecker gives crosshair a box.

Crosshair opens it "my old armour"

"Yeah it never felt right to get rid of it"

Later we head to the planet as we landed the place was filled with of snow and we looked to see crosshair in his old armour.

"Hey it does fit" wrecker laughs.

Crosshair get out of the ship and hunter walks up to him " You said this outpost was remote, not abandoned entirely."

"Well I didn't get daily Intel briefings in my cell"

"I get the feeling there's more to this place than you're saying."

Then bactcher started growling "batcher what is it?"

"The sensors are giving off a high frequency tone she must be reacting to it" omega said.

"What are the sensors for?" Hunter asked crosshair."

"Promoter detection against local raiders"

"You didn't think to warn us about these raiders before?"

"No they were all dealt with"

"and how do you know that?"

"Take a guess"

Oh they bickering luckily echo stopped the fight and they moved on and

I looked at Crosshair "i said talk to him not argue with him."

Crosshair sighs "he started it"

I rolled my eyes and we head to the building and went inside.

And we started working on getting the device and the datapad starts working. And Crosshair and hunter go outside.

I knew something was bothering gonna be right so I went to follow them but echo stops me "let them work it out we have to finish the data transfer"

I nod hop in they will get along but the grounds starts to rumble something was wrong.

Then we looked outside to see a creature there and hunter and Crosshair com back inside.

"I guess we know what the perimeter sensors are meant to keep out." Omega said.

"No chance of digging out the ship with that thing out there." Hunter said.

"We have to restore poer to the sensor beacons" echo said. He goes to the controls "There's a fuse box for the reserve energy grid in the back of this compound."

"One of us need to get over there and reset the grid manually" crosshair said.

We all made a plan as hunter and Crosshair goes to distract it as werecker and omega turn on the censors the later I saw hunter and Crosshair are batch and wrecker runs up to them and hugs them.

"See they always work it out" echo said. "And I don't even see any blood this time. That's progress."

I nod and look at the datapad and gave it to him "Do you think the intel we recovered will help you and Rex?"

"We still don't know the coordinates of tantis But between the datapad and all you and Crosshair have told me, we're closer to finding and freeing those clones"

"I wish I could have done more to help them."

"you did all you could. And you did exactly what you're supposed to got out of there"

I smiled thinking about the day then later we got back to the ship and leave.

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