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We made a call with cid and all of us were pissed off at her.

"Not sure what's got you all twisted up in the knots" she said on the hologram.

"We we're stranded on that planet cid" omega said "we needed you and you left us"

"You're fine now aren't you? And you got your ship back."

"Yeah with no help from you" wrecker said.

"Do you wanna mope or make money? Because I got a tip on a downed ship, which means cargo ripe for the taking. I'll even give you 30% of the cut."

"That is our standard percentage." Tech said

"All right.this one time let's say 35%....okay 40... fine 50%as a token of my good will that you seem to have forgotten I'm sending you the Intel now. Don't come back unless you scavenge something valuable"

"What makes you think we'd come back at all?" Hunter asked.

"Don't test me speedy just get it done" she hangs up. I rolled my eyes on what she's doing.

"Severing ties with cid could be problematic considering what she knows about us" tech said "perhaps we choose a diplomatic solution and complete this one last mission for her"

Tech gives me the data pad "cid only sent coordinates." I spoke "no ship transponder code or indication of what caused the crash"

"Limited Intel. Theres a surprise" wrecker said.

"How hard could scavenging cargo be?" Omega asked.

We head to the planet where there's a village close by. We got out of the ship to take a close look at it.

"What kind of ship is this" wrecker asked.

"Don't know. No hull markings" said hunter.

"Based on the severity of the impact and the lack of communication signals,the crew aboard most likely perished." Tech said

"We don't know for sure. Said omega. They could be trapped inside come on" omega said as we head to the ship.

"Something unfortunate happened here" tech shows us scratches on the walls.

"Whatever did this wasn't human" hunter said.

"I will get the power restored and check data logs on the bridge."

"By yourself?" Omega asked in concern.

"Your concern is not warranted I will be fine" he said walking away from us.

As hunter, wrecker and omega and myself looked around.

"Why is it so cold in here?" Wrecker asked.

"It's some kind of lab" i said

"This medical equipment is kaminoan" omega said. Looking at the stuff.

"What's it doing here" wrecker asked

"its their cloning technology but this configuration is different than anything I saw in tipoca city" she explained

Then we heard a noise we looked around and saw a creature attack us as we from it.

"Tech, we've got a problem get off the ship now" hunter said on the comm.

"I suspect this is is some type of research vessel" tech said.

"We know" wreckers said .

"And whatever they were researching just got loose" I said.

"And it's headed your way" hunter said.

Then we we saw the creature again but bigger than it was. The the wall exploded and the creature wa slept loose.

"The creature appears to be headed to the village"

"We're the ones who let it out" hunter said.

"We have to neutralize it before it hurts anyone" i said.

"How?" Wrecker asked "our blasters are useless on it."

"Given the fact that the crew was most likely eaten by the creature I doubt it is currently hungry-"

"It ate the crew?" Omega said backing up to me scared. Making me comfort her.

"How is that helping tech?" I asked.

"It are the crew" she repeated.

"Access the files find out what species we're dealing with and how to stop it " hunter said

"I can help" omega said "I know my way around kaminoan tech"

I nod "wrecker and I with hunter" I ordered.

Then we we had to deal with the creature apparently it was som.
Sort of zilo beat from the clone wars

"The crashed vessel was part of an imperial cloning operation" tech said.

"the empire cloned a zilo beast?" Hunter asked.

"Yes and no the directive came straight from the supreme chancellor before he became emperor"

"What's he want with it?" Wrecker asked.

"The creatures genetic material has the potential to be weaponized in the hands of the right scientist"

"Where we're they taking the creature?" I asked.

"Unknown" tech said. "The ship did not have a destination logged there is far more than to this than we realized from what I have gathered I suspect the empire did not destroy the cities in kamino to end cloning they merely wanted to control it."

Hunter walked away from them for a bit before stopping to face them "send the data to echo and rex. See what they can find out" he said before heading to the cockpit.

I followed and put my hand on his shoulder "hunter you okay?

He nods "just trying to think" he said down.

I sat beside him "I don't know what they plan to do but what we saw is just the beginning."

He looks at me "have you encountered a zilo beast?"

I nod "once I didn't want to encounter the that kind of crew again after what it did in the war."

"I'm glad you survived the war" he grabs my hand and I grip it. Before of thinking about something else

"Have you ever thought of us... being together"

He took a deep breath "it's always difficult trying to protect you and  be a soldier just like you being a Jedi. We had everything during the war."

"Not everything" i said touching his face "I never got you"

He gently touched mine before leaning forward and pressed his lips on mine be fore pulling apart and smiles before kissing each other again.

The leader and the Jedi (hunter X jedi OC)Where stories live. Discover now