Paths unknown

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Hunter werecker and me were hired to pick up a puke syndicate and apparently they know the son of a crime lord.

"Such courage to demand an audience with me.You'd be dead if my son hadn't convinced me to consider your offer."

"We're here to deliver" hunter said throwing a missing horn at the son "you asked for the puke who disgraced your family"

"He's all yours" wrecker said.

"It won't be traced back to you. We made sure of it" I said

"Take him below" the crime lord said.

Hunter told them that dr hemlock stole some from them. Then the son of the crimelord Durand walks up to us.

"Hemlock's whereabouts have been well guarded by the empire" then he pulls something out of his pocket "but one of our sources came across these coordinates linked to his laboratory"

"And they've been verified?" Hunter asked.

"Take what you came for and go, before my generosity runs out." The crime lord said.

Hunter takes the the puck "i hope you find who you're looking for" the son said.

Then we started leaving and I noticed how sad he looked I was gonna walk up to him but wrecker beat me "echo said he and rex need two rotations before he could meet us at the coordinates"

"That's not good enough" hunter said "we're going now"

I realized what he wants to do I put my hand on his shoulder "hunter, the last time you stormed an imperial base without backup, not all of you made it out"

He goes to the pilot seat "omegas been waiting for us a long time. I'm not making her wait another day"

Then We head to a planet as we land we we went outside as I liked in the scans.

I head wrecker groan "smells like rancid jotaz out here"

"There's nothing on the scanners" I said. "The empire could be jamming our sensors"

Then I started walking as I looked around and started looking to see hemlocks lab looks destroyed.

"They destroyed it" hunter said "another orbital bombardment"

"But omega what if she was there?" Wrecker asked concerned about.

"We don't know if she was" I said. "The Durands Intel could be wrong"

"Let's get down there and check it out" hunter said. As we followed him. Then we heard branches cracking "we're not alone.

Then we see two boys came at us with sticks and wrecker laughs "blaster beats stick kid"

Then I noticed what that are based on their looks "they're clones" i said.

"And who are you?" The young clone said.

Hunter and wrecker took off their helmets "were clones too" hunter said.

"You don't look like clones"

"They must be 99s" the other clone said. "Defective"

"Defective and effective" wrecker said. "And she's not a clone" wrecker points at me.

"What are you two doing out here?" I asked.

"What's it look like? Surviving" one clone said. "Or trying to no thanks to the empire"

"They send you to finish us off" the other clone asked.

"Do we look like we're with the empire?" Wrecker asked.

"What do you want"

"We're looking for a young girl" hunter said "she's a clone we think she was sent to the lab here"

"Never saw anyone like that" one  clone said "but mox might know about her."

"He won't talk to them" the other clone said.

I walked up to one of them "please we have to find her  she's part of our squad"

The young clone nods "stick to the trail follow our steps and don't touch the vines."

Then we followed the young clones to where they were taking us to their friend "when the empire transferred us off kamino, we thought we were getting more training instead they made us prisoners took samples of our blood"

"Why?" Hunter asked "what was the empire doing here?"

"Whatever they wanted"

"At least we escaped but they destroyed the facility" the other clone said.

"And you survived alone out here ever since?" I asked.

"We're soilders or we're supposed to be"

Then all the sudden wrecker accidentally touched the vines and to tried to attack us but we ran faster to get away from it.

"What was that stuff" asked wrecker.

"Slither vibes" first young clone said. "The empire made it. It's some kind of experimental weapon until they lost control of it"

"Probably where they ordered a base delta zero on their own facility" the other clone said.

"We'll be safe on the crag" the slither vines haven't spread there"

"Yet and this time don't touch anything"

Then we got to the safe spot when we see someone doing the fire probably a clone named mox.

Mox noticed us "who ware they?"

"Two clones and their friend we found them by the overlook"

"Quite a place you got here" wedecker said.

"What do you want?" Mox asked.

"We're looking for a young girl she was taken by an imperial named hemlock" hunter said "her names omega"

"Never saw a girl around the lab but I know hemlock he was in charge until things changed. One day the imperials started packing up and shipped out  so we made our move and escaped"

"We were the only ones who made it out before the orbital bombardment." One clone said.

"Even the clone troopers left us to die" the other said "said they were following orders"

"We get it" wrecker said "we've lost people too"

"We can take you to someplace safe" i said "but we need to find out if omega was here or wher hemlock took her there has to be some Intel in that base"

"One of the control room panels was still intact during our last scout" one clone said "I tried to use it to send a signal but there was no power"

"Can you take us there?"

They were concerned about the vines but one of them decided to go with us. And he really cares. Of what we need to do. We head to the ship and got gonky and head to the base

The young clone named deke  explained to us what happened and he wasn't sure what was happening. When we found the controls there was something else in there the vines.we tried to get out when all the sudden the ship came with the two ther clones. And we destroyed it while escaping. And got out fast.

Later we found out hemlock's transfer the entire base of operations to another location his experiments too. And we are gonna drop the tree clones to a safer place they might call home.

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