The calvery has arrived

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On tantis we do our best to get in the base to sneak in the base. Once we did crosshair wanted to do this alone but we disagreed. So we kept going when we see strange troopers. We shoot at them but unfortunately they were take them.

"I have to find echo" I said as I started running and I saw exho and the kids. I ran up to them "they've taken the guys"

"I know"

Then omega and echo gone and I stayed with emerie and the kids until the guys and omega came back I ran up to hunter and hugged him as he hugged back "you're okay"

"I am" he said as he presses his forehead on mine.

Later on pabu i was just standing around looking at the view when I turn to see Hunter beside me.

"So what do you plan on doing after this?" He asked.

"I don't know. I spent almost my whole life in the Jedi order. But since there's no Jedi order I don't know what to do"

He takes my hand "well, you can stay here on pabu. With me.but only if you say yes if you mean it"

I smiled and looked at him "yes"

All the sudden he leans down and pressed his lips on mine.

So that's what I did hunter and I are happily married as we had four kids together. It was our happily ever after.

A/n: thank you for being here but sad to say it's finally over I must now move on. As always may the force be with you.

The leader and the Jedi (hunter X jedi OC)Where stories live. Discover now