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Jaime Pov:

As we leave the head masters office I look around and have to admit that Hogwarts looks interesting. Moving stair cases, talking and moving pictures, and not to mention ghosts, it is certainly a sight to see. "What is going through your mind cub?" asks Remus. I turn to look at him and give him a small smile "it looks pretty cool on the inside, are we going to be able to see the outside as well? " "Of course we are, we'll show you lot the black lake, and the quidditch pitch" answered Remus. I turn to look at Jace and Alec and see them just as interested as I am, they sense me looking at them and give me smile. As we walk along the corridors we pass suits of armor, big pillars, and a old looking cat wondering around. As we reach the quidditch pitch I must admit it looks pretty cool. "Quidditch is the best game to play and flying around makes you feel free" says Harry smiling widely at me. I look at him and ask if he plays as I smile back. " Been on the team since my first year and I play the seeker position, my job is to catch the golden snitch" he says. I look around spinning in a circle taking in the view as I listen to Harry talk. Once we finish at the pitch we make our way down to the black lake, this school is bigger than I anticipated I think as we finally make it to lake. This view is even better than the pitch I think to myself. "This is a nice view to look at" I hear Alec say as we take in the view and even smell of the area. It may sound weird but it's refreshing after being in the city so long just to look at all the nature. As I look up I notice Remus, Harry and the dog form of Sirius looking over at us. " You guys look lost in thought over" I say to them. They just smile and ask what I'm feeling and thinking. " I feel good and I think this place is better than I may have thought it would be" I answer them. Once we are done at the lake we make our way back to the castle and the office. On our way there we get to meet the resident poltergeist Peeves. He was a bit annoying but definitely wouldn't want to be on his bad side. As we near the head masters office we slow out pace just a little and enter one at a time. " Ah and how was the tour of the school and grounds?" Dumbledore asks. After we ask replied good he told us we should get back to Grimuald place. One by one we went through the floo and were in the living room of the place. Once we get settled down Mrs. Weasley starts making dinner, it didn't feel like we were gone that long but we where. I look at my brothers and motion for them to follow me as well as Remus, Sirius and Harry. One we are in the library I ask them all there opinions on what should I consider doing. "The choice is up to you but if you didn't want to go to school here I'm sure Magnus might agree to help you understand this magic better even if it is different" Alec said. "Maybe you could just get some lessons in the morning and by the afternoon be done with it" says Jace. As I look to the other three I can't help but feel anxious as I wait to hear what they have to say. "If you went to Hogwarts you would never be bored, and I could teach you how to fly on a broom, but if you don't to I would understand." Harry said as he looked at me. " While it would be good to get the whole Hogwarts experience we have been trying to find good tutors to teach you so you wouldn't have to be away for months at a time at school" Remus said as he smiled at me. " Do whichever makes you happy, we know you got in Gryffindor and that's the fun part other than flirting and quidditch" Sirius says as he playfully winks at us. Thank you guys for your honest opinions on everything and for helping me. Mrs. Weasley then calls up and says dinner is ready. As we head downstairs I smile to myself thinking how today went. After we finished eating the boys and say we have to head back and stand up to go. We ask if it's okay if we come back tomorrow and everyone said yes. I go to hug Remus, Sirius and Harry and tell them that I am working on permission for them to come see the institute some time. Once we have all said our byes I create a portal and step through with the boys following behind me. "It's so good to be back home" Jace says. Alec and I laughed at him a bit and say we were only gone for the day which Jace just pouted at not that he would admit it anytime soon. We say goodnight and go to our rooms, as soon as my door is closed I start attempting to fix my hair and think about changing my outfit before I meet with Hodge like he asked the other night.

When Worlds Meet (A Shadowhunters and Harry Potter Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now