5 (Just a random filler chapter)

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Jaime POV

I'm sitting in the library when I get a fire message from Hodge that says " how is everything going? How are you and the boys?" I smile to myself as I begam to write my reply, "everything is going good, the usual questions, catching up, and of course Jace being sarcastic to people. I do have a queation for you and I want your honest opinion." Just as I sent my message Harry walked into the room and gave me a shy smile, I smile back and motion for him to sit down he asks "what was that thing you just did?" I explained to him it was a fire message, a fast way we use to communicate with each other, he nodded in understanding. As I look at him I can see he wants to ask some things so I ask him whats on his mind and if I can help him with anything. He says, "I was just wondering if you could tell me anything about our past and my parents. Dumbledore said you amd your parents were there the night they died." I look at him and smile, I tell him that we were close and his parents were great people smiling and laughing and accepting. I also tell him I dont remeber much about that night because I was only two after all, but sometimes I got weird dreams that seemed like memories but I wasn't sure. He nodded in understanding and told me he has had similar experiences. Just as I was about to mention the photo album I had received a reply to my message, Harry jumped a little startled at that. I chucled slightly amd grabbed it, as I was reading it I guess I smiled a little because Harry smirked at me and asked if was from a guy and if I fancied him. I blushed and told him hes a friend, he didnt seem convinced. I sent him a quick reply saying I'll explain later. When that was done my godfather, Sirius and Severus walked into the room and smiled at me and Harry. They asked what we were doing and I told them I was just about to show Harry a old photo album that I had found amd brought with me all of them looked ecstatic and eager. Laughing a little I brought out the album and we began looking at the pictures all of us were in the pictures smiling, joking, and happy looking. I look up and see the three guys smiling at the pictures and that makes me smile.

Hodge POV

I'm sitting in my office at the Institute thinking about Jaime and how shes doing. I am concerned about all of them of course but Jaime comes to mind more often. I decide to send her a message and she replied quickly I wonder what she wants to ask me so I replied...maybe a little to fast but oh well. Then she responds back saying we'll talk more later and I get just a little sad. If I'm being honest with myself I've fallen for her, the way she smiles and laughs, her beautiful eyes and dark hair, the way she walks with confidence but not arrogance, her kindness and modesty, not to mention how unbelievable a fighter she is. She was never under my instruction for training she was always more my assistant and helped the younger ones. I don't think there is anything wrong with telling her how I feel, only I can't bring myself to do it, and what if she rejects me, what if our age difference is enough for her to flat out say no? With all those thoughts in my head I go for a walk.

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