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Jaime POV

As we step through the portal the Institute is empty, everyone is either training or sleeping. As we walk to our room we pass by Hodge, he's reading some report, so naturally I scared him and he dropped his papers. When he looks up the anger in his eyes disappears when he sees me, that's a relief I don't want extra chores around the building. I tell him when he has free time to go to the boys and my room. He says ok. With that I follow the boys and close the door. As soon as I walk into my room I plop down on my bed and look at the ceiling thinking hiw today was a good day and I'm excited to go back tomorrow, though things Dumbledore said made me suspicious of him.

Hodge POV

When I get to the door off my office I sit at my desk and put down the insufferable clave reports. I don't like paper work, but getting to talk to Jaime soon makes me happy. It was only a day she was gone but I missed her, when she smiles at me I can't help but feel happy with that in mind I walk to their rooms which is more like a mini apartment in the Institute.

Jaime POV

As I'm sliding out of bed I hear someone knock on the door so I go to answer it when i get there I see Hodge and smile at him telling him to come in. Once we are all in the living room I tell him about our day. When I get to the part of the school and maybe attending I notice the guys tense up. Then I explain my thought on how it didnt sound like a option Alec and Jace heads nod agreement, but only I can make the decision of I want to go or not, they agree with me. After everything is explained and said my brothers head to bed leaving me and Hodge, which I don't mind, so I ask him his opinion on everything.

Hodge POV

As the boys leave I can't help but feel a little excited about getting to talk to Jaime alone I turn to look at her and can't help but notice how beautiful she is, then she faces me and asks my opinion on everything so I say, "I'm glad you had a good day and are going again tomorrow, but be cautious around that Dumbledore guy it sounds like he has something planned and seems conniving in some way, as for the whole school thing it's your choice no one else's." When I'm done she smiles at me and I smile back getting list in her eyes, when she looks away I see a faint blush across her checks, she says she should probaby get to bed and stands up. As she walks me to the door she asks if she can do something, me being curious I said yes, next thing I know she has her arms around me in a hug and I waste no time returning it, thinking how perfectly she feels and fits in my arms all to soon she ends the hug and thanks me for my opinions, I tell her anytime and head to my room.

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