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Jaime POV

I woke up this morning from a odd dream, it felt like I was remembering people and some events that had happened. Oh well no time to dwell on it now, I have to get ready for the day and I'm so excited and nervous. Today is the day I get to reunite with my little cousin. When I'm finished getting ready I go and open a old trunk that I keep under my bed. I feel a sense of happiness mixed with sadness, out of the box I pull out a old family photo album honestly I dont even remeber how it got in there. But looking through it makes me smile there are so many photos of my mom and dad with my aunt, uncle and cousin even some with there friends. I decide to bring it along to show Harry some of the happier times. When I'm closing the door to my room I hear Alec and Jace ask if I'm ready to go I say yes. As soon as we all are done Dumbledore tells us that we will be aparating to our destination. It only took seconds but it was so uncomfortable it felt like being sucked in and shot out of a tube. We arrive at a building and Dumbledore says the address then all of a sudden a door appears that wasn't there a second ago. When we walk into the living room we hear voices coming from the kitchen amd start to head that way. I'm suddenly nervous but Alec and Jace give me reasurring smiles and we walk into the kitchen to see many faces. As soon as we walk in all the talking stops, and I vaguely recognize a few people as my godfather Remus, my parent's friend Sirius and Severus, though I always called them Mooney, Padfoot, and uncle Sev. Then I look at the one who must be Harry and I smile at him. The next thing I know is I'm being rushed up to and having my breathing cut off by my godfather who has wrapped me in a tight hug, next to him are Padfoot amd uncle Sev. I hug them all back and tell them that we really need to catch up. When they release me Harry walks over to me and I pull him into a hug and tell him hi.

Harry POV

We are all in the kitchen at 12 Grimuald place waiting for my cousin to arrive with Dumbledore. Ron and Hermione seem excited for me and have been asking all sorts of questions. Remus, Sirius, and even professor Snape are really excited about seeing Jaime again, I guess they remember when we were a lot younger. Then we hear the door open and close and into the kitchen walks in Dumbledore, and two tall muscular good looking guys, behind them is who I'm assuming is my cousin, next to me I hear Ron say "bloody hell mate she's hot." Both me and Hermione send him a small glare. Next thing she is being hugged by the three men that were the most excited to see her again. When they let her go I walk up to her and she pulls me into a hug and I return it with the same amount of enthusiasm, it might be weird to say but hugging my cousin made happier than I've been all summer. When we break apart we hear Dumbledore say it's time for introductions. I'm sitting by Ron amd Hermione listening to the introductions. Firts is a guy who's name is Alec he is tall with hazel eyes and looks like he means business, next was Jace who had blonde hair and blue or maybe brown eyes who looks like he can kill you in three seconds. Then Jaime introduces herself, she has black wavy hair, grey eyes and a bright smile. She seems fun but can kick your arse if you get on her bad side. Next to me Ron is stareing at her and it looks like Hermione is glaring at her, huh wonder why she barely met her. Next it was our turn to introduce ourselves, it went Remus, Sirius, professor Snape, Tonks, Mr. and Mrs.Weasley, Bill, Charlie, Mad eye, the twins, Ginny, Kingsley, Ron and Hermione who were still stareing and glaring. The next thing I notice is that they were all wearing the color black or really dark clothes, next to me Ron must be thinking the same thing because he says, " why are you dressed for a funeral?" Jaime is about to answer but is cut off by the guy named Jace who responds with, "you always have to be ready for one I just can't decide who's funeral yet" then picks at his nails with a knife while looking around, the bloke is seriously creepy. Then Jaime punches his arm and explains to us that they are shadowhunters and it helps to blend in to surroundings when they are on missions, we nod in understanding. As we all sit around the table and talk we get to know each other. I explain every adventure we have had since our first year at Hogwarts and how we met each other. I learned that they all traines young and have been on many dangerous missions. Jace is ok once you get past all his sarcastic and arrogant attitude, Alec is more level headed and logical and seems like a good person, then there's my cousin she's really smart, funny, kind and like the other two seems really bad arse and cool. I look to my sides and she that Ron is trying to ask a question but keeps it to himself and Hermione shooting her ugly looks, I'll have to ask her about it later. Jaime and the two guys are really enjoying talking to Remus, Sirius, and the professor, then she waves me over to join them so I head that way.

Hermione POV

As soon as they walk in I come to the conclusion that I don't like her. The way walks with confidence, that stupid smile that makes a guy stop and look not to mention that she is in great shape or the powerful auora around her. To top it all off when they start talking she is also really intelligent and just seems to have it all. Even Ron is smitten with her and that just fuels my anger and jealousy more.


Bloody hell those are good looking blokes and not to mention that Harry's cousin is the hottest chick I've seen, better tread carefully there. Next thing I hear is mum say lunch is ready so we all quiet down and go back to the table, finally food, I'm starved.

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