Chapter 1

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*With Damian*
It's monday morning, the worst day of the week. Damian wakes up and gets out of bed. He walks over to his wardrobe and get his clothes out for the day.

He puts on a black long sleeve Harley Davidson shirt, black tracksuit bottoms and a black bomber jacket. He goes to his shoe rack, he grabs a pair of black and grey trainers.

He exits his room. He walks down stairs to see his parents shouting at jade about something he didn't care about.

He walks over to the fridge and gets some food out. He goes to walk up the stairs but his dad calls him.

James: Not so fast Damian

Damian: what now?

He looks at his dad and goes over to his dad.

James: I know you snuck out last night you little shit

Damian: dad i didn't sneak out, i would have just left through the front door.

James: so you're calling me and your mother liars?

Damian: yes, i was in my room all day.

James: prove it

Damian: prove that i snuck out first

Damian's dad slaps him with the back of his hand. Damian stumbles a bit. He feels under his eye and feels some sort of liquid.

He moves his hand in front of him, he sees blood on his hand. He looks at his dad, his dad goes to speak but he runs up the stairs.

*With Perrie*
It's 07:30 in the morning and Perrie's alarm is going off, she rolls over and turns it off. She goes over to her wardrobe and picks out her clothes.

She puts on a Liverpool shirt, black leggings and black trainers. She walks out of her room and down the stairs. Her mum is in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

Perrie: morning mum

Holly: morning Pez(her nickname), got everything?

Perrie: yeah, just got to wait for Tori and Trina

Holly: they already left

Perrie: WHAT?!

Holly: didn't you know?

Perrie: No, i thought it was dad leaving for work. so i got to walk for like 30 minutes just to get to school?!

Holly: i guess so

She sighs and goes to her room grabbing her bag.

*at Hollywood Arts*

Perrie has just arrived at school and walks through the doors. As she's walking to her locker she is looking at her phone. She bumps into someone, they both fall back and look at each other.

Perrie: i'm so sorry, i wasn't looking where i was going

They pick up their things.

Perrie: i'm perrie by the way, you are?

Damian: i'm damian

Perrie: well damian, you look a little lost.

Damian: i am, i'm looking for my locker but i don't know where it is.

Perrie: so you're the new guy everyone is raving on about, follow me

Perrie leads him to a plain grey locker

Perrie: this is your locker.

Damian: thanks, how come mine is the only grey one?

Perrie: oh you have to decorate it yourself, show off your talent or interests. mine is just a bunch of drawings i did.

Damian: cool, can i do it whenever?

Perrie: yeah, but make it something unique to you

Damian nods. Perrie walks away leaving Damion alone. He looks at his locker coming up with ideas.

*1st period*

Everyone is in their lessons except for Damian, because he has no clue where he's going. He sees a boy standing at their locker, he walks up to him with extreme hesitance.

Damian: excuse me

The guy looks at him.

Beck: hey, can i help you?

Damian: yeah, i need help finding Sikowitz's classroom

Beck: i'm actually heading there now, just follow me

Damian: you got it

They walk to the classroom. They walk in and someone comes up to them.

Jade: Damian?

Damian: hey jade

Beck: you 2 know each other?

Jade: that's my brother i've been telling you about, Damian this is my boyfriend Beck

Damian: nice to meet you beck

Beck: you too Damian

They fist bump. He goes to the other side of the room to Jade and Beck

*5 minutes later*

Perrie walks into the classroom. She sees Damian and smiles to herself. She sits with her friends and sister.

Tori: hey Pez, why are you smiling so much?

Perrie: no reason

Tori looks in the same direction Perrie is and sees she's looking at the new boy.

Tori: guys, who's the new guy?

Jade: that's my brother Damian. just transfered here, now i have to deal with him all day

Perrie: he didn't seem that bad when i talked to him earlier. he seemed nice.

Jade: you'll get sick of him after a while

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