Chapter 11 (detention part 2)

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It's been 10 minutes of silence.

Damian: he really is a prick

Robbie: we aren't meant to talk Dano

Rex: shut up rob

Everyone laughs.

Perrie: nice one puppet

Rex: call me a puppet again i'll hurt you

Damian: and i'll rip you apart Rex, one little limb at a time

Everyone looks at him scared, except for Jade and Perrie. Instead Perrie sits between his legs with her back against his torso. Damian wraps his arms Perrie's waist and puts his head against her shoulder.

Andre: and i thought Jade was scary

the others laugh while Rex is shaking slightly.

Perrie: baby apologise to Rex

Damian: no

Perrie: do it, or you don't get cuddles or kisses for 2 months.

Damian: you're evil

Perrie: you love me really, now apologise to him.

Damian: fine, Rex i'm sorry

Rex: it's cool

Jade: unlike you

*20 minutes later*

Everyone except Perrie and Damian have left to another part of the library. Damian and Perrie are where they were sat before, only difference is the Perrie is sitting on his lap hugging him.

Perrie: are you ok baby?

Damian: of course i am, why wouldn't i be?

Perrie: just seemed like you snapped at Rex earlier but not because of what he said, just wanted to see if anything was wrong.

Damian: just had a bad dream last night and Rex saying that i kinda took out the emotions i had on him.

Perrie: do you want to talk about it?

Damian: not right now

Perrie: ok, i love you

Damian: i love you too

Perrie: i love you more

Damian: i love you in this life and the next ones

Perrie: i can't beat that one

The couple laugh and stay there cuddling until they can leave.

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