Chapter 6

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*5 months later*

It's a Wednesday morning. Normally the perfect day at Hollywood Arts, today however was anything but perfect.

There are very few people in the school, one of which is Damian. He hasn't been his normal self the past 5 months.

Firstly him and his parents got into a fight. Then the next day him and jade have another fight getting their friends involved. Perrie 3 weeks later gets a boyfriend, a dickhead one at that.

When she told him he was heartbroken because he had a massive crush on her, but when she told him who it was he was pissed.

Her boyfriend's name is Cole Quinn, he's what you would call a player. He tried to warn her about how he is, this only lead to another fight and him losing his last friend.

He's currently standing by his locker. He's putting his stuff away when he hears something. He sticks his head out from behind his locker door to see what it is.

What he sees pisses him off. He sees Cole making out with a girl, it's not perrie. He takes a picture then closes his phone putting it in his locket.

Damian: OI QUINN

Cole looks behind him and sees Damian. Cole looks at him with a smirk.

Cole: what do you want West?

Damian: you're really cheating on Perrie?! what has she ever done to you?!

Cole: i only dated her because i was dared to.

???: what?

They both look to the side, they see perrie with the others. Perrie has tears in her eyes. Damian's jaw clenches and he sees red.

Damian: you have 3 seconds to run quinn. 1...2

Cole stays where he is. Damian smirks.

Damian: 3

Damian punches Cole knocking his tooth out. Cole tries running but damian pins him against the lockers.


Damian smashes his head off the lockers repeatedly. Beck, Andre and Robbie pull Damian away from a now unconscience Cole. Damian puts his hands in the air, backing up.


Damian opens his locker getting his things and leaving the scene.

*Later that night*

Tonight is the night of the full moon jam. Everyone is watching everyone else perform. All day they were looking for Damian but couldn't find him, they figured he'd show up here.

???: Please welcome to the stage, Damian West.

He walks onto the stage with a drummer, the drummer sits down. damian starts playing the guitar he had with him. He starts playing the tune of the song he wrote 'When he cries' (the original is called 'when she cries', i changed it where damian is a guy)

(when it says her/she imagine it says Him/he so it fits)

Mid way through the song he tears up but keeps on going. When he finishes the song the audience erupts with applause and cheers.

He spins the guitar behind him and crouches down. He wipes his eyes. He looks to his right seeing Jade and the others. He stands up fully.

Everything goes silent. Jade hugs him catching him off guard, eventually he hugs back. He cries hugging her.

Jade: i'm sorry Damian, we all are.

He doesn't say anything, he just squeezes her a little bit.

Jade: come, let's go somewhere we can all talk ok?

He nods wiping his eyes again. They all walk off the stage, the audience applauded him again.

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