Chapter 13

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*After class*

The bell rings signaling the end of class.

Sikowitz: you may all go, except for these people. Jade, Cat, Robbie, Beck, Tori, Andre and Perrie.

Everyone except those 7 leaves, including Damian. He leaves the classroom with everyone's eyes still on.

He goes to his locker. He puts all his stuff in his locker and pulls out his guitar. He goes to the janitor's closet which has a ladder to the library.

you are probably wondering 'why doesn't he just use the stairs like a normal person' well, he just want to use the ladder.

He lifts the trap door to the library. He climbs out and luckily for him it's empty. He shuts the trap door and sits on one of the chairs.

He starts to play the tune of a song he wrote called 'you don't know' (original is by Katelyn Tarver). Unaware to him he was being recorded.


Once he finishes he hears a book fall. He turns and sees Sinjin. He runs away in fear as Damian fake lunges at him.

He puts his guitar on his back and climbs down the ladder. He exits the janitor's closet and sees Sinjin.

He looks more scared because he was just in the library. Sinjin runs away again. Out of the corner of his eye Damian sees his sister and the others.

Perrie: Dam-

Before she can finish Damian starts walking away. He gets to his car and pulls away from the school.

He's driving down a long road, tears threatening to leave his eyes. He wipes his eyes and loses control of the car.

He swerves trying to get control of the car. He hits the front of another person's car and comes flying out of the windshield.

He hits the ground hard, be rolls then skids across the road. By the time he stops he's unconscious. The last thing he sees is people running towards him.

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