Chapter 9

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It's been a few days since 'the full moon jam' and Damian is driving to Perrie's home. He pulls into the driveway.

He gets out of the car and walks over to the front door with his hands in his pockets. He knocks in the door before putting his hand back in his pocket.

When the door opens he has a wide smile on his face. He sees his beautiful girlfriend, Perrie Vega.

Damian: there's my beautiful goddess

Perrie: what's that make you babe?

Damian: a dashing god

Perrie: i'd say you're more of a teddy bear, my personal teddy bear

She hugs him putting her arms around his torso. Damian puts his arms over her shoulders. He kisses her head.

Damian: i can live with that

Perrie giggles. Damian kisses her head again.

Damian: ready to head out?

Perrie: yeah, let me grab my bag

Damian: i'll be here babe

he kisses her cheek before she runs off to get her bag. When she comes back he kisses her cheek then walks to his car. He opens the passenger door for Perrie.

Perrie: thank you love

she kisses him then gets in the car. Damian shuts the door then gets in the driver's side starting the car. Slowly Damian backs the car out of the driveway and sets off to Hollywood Arts.

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