Chapter One Royalty

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Fatima: Danni
Danni: Girl I can't believe we are going over seas to visit Karen
Fatima: Right I miss her
Danni: Me too she is lucky tho
Fatima: Right she works with the king
Danni: Yes and he is fine
Fatima: Very let's hurry up and get to the airport

Scene switches to England
Zac: Good Afternoon mother
Queen: Good Afternoon son how are you?
Zac: I am good is dinner ready?
King: It is son Karen
Karen:(walks in) Your majesty
King: Is dinner ready?
Karen: I will go check on it
(Karen walks out)
Zac:(follows her) Karen wait up
Karen:(turns around) Yes sir
Zac: Cut the sir stuff what are we gone do without you for a week
Karen: I don't know but you have other staff
Zac: We do but there not like you my cousin will be here
Karen: Sir (Zac looks at her) I mean Zac
Zac: Good you should not take off
Karen: My sister and cousin is come from America
Zac: Sister cousin? They can come here
Karen: Oh no your father would not allow it
Zac: I can pull strings besides my cousin would like to see you
Karen: Your trying to get me into trouble
(The queen walks up)
Zac: Thanks for adding tea to my menu
Karen: My pleasure sir (Karen darts to the kitchen)
Queen: Stop it I know you and Karen are best friends it's been like that since we hired her you was so depressed before she came I'm glad she is a good friend your soon to be wife will be here in the morning
Zac:(rolls his eyes) Mom why? Well if she is coming Karen cousin and sister must stay here as well
Queen: Very well we ran a background they can stay but they got work while there here as well
Zac: Mother
Queen: Okay Karen can have a vacation but they still must be here at a decent hour
Zac: Good thanks mom (he kisses her on the cheek and darts away)

The sit down to eat

Zac: Father
King: Yes son
Queen: We have guest coming this week Karen and her family
King: Who order this?
Zac: We'll umm I did
Queen: With my approval
King: Very well are they American?
Zac: We'll Karen is American
King: She is
Karen:(walks in) If that is all I'm bow out gracefully
Zac: No may you have a sit
King: Zachary
Zac: Father
Karen: I can stand what is it sir?
Queen: You are invited to vacation here at the palace with your cousin and sister
Karen: I beg your pardon?
King: Just say thank you Karan
(Looks at Zac)
Karen: Thank you
Queen: It's settled see you next week

A few days past and Karen wakes up early that morning and heads to meet Fatima and Danni at the airport to pick them up:

Danni: Sis
Fatima: Cousin
Karen: (they embrace) I missed you guys
Danni and Fatima we missed you too
Karen: Come on I got a surprise for you
Danni: (looks at Fatima) What type of surprise?
Karen: Get in you will see (they get in the car and Karen drives)
Fatima: Where are we going this don't look like the way to your apartment
Danni: Right you ain't kidnapping us is you?
Fatima: Karen
Karen: No we're going to the palace come on now
Danni: Palace?
Fatima: We get to see King and Queen oh Karen I would dressed better
Danni: You so would have I girl your wrong
Karen: Well they invited us to stay for a week while I'm on vacation
Danni: Say what?
Fatima: Stay a week what we got do?
Karen: Just enjoy
Danni: Oh shit
Fatima: This place is big
Karen: It is I can't wait until you guys see the inside

Danni: Sis Fatima: Cousin Karen: (they embrace) I missed you guys Danni and Fatima we missed you too Karen: Come on I got a surprise for you Danni: (looks at Fatima) What type of surprise? Karen: Get in you will see (they get in the car and Karen ...

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