Mother Oh Mother What Have You Done

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Zac heads to meetings and decides to call an old friend.
Ring Ring
Karen: Hello
Zac: Karen hi
Karen: Who is this?
Zac: Your majesty
Karen: Hey Zachery
Zac: Can you do me a favor?
Karen: Yes
Zac: Can you give me Fatima number
Karen: I can do you a even bigger one I'm standing right next to her she doesn't even know I'm on the phone with you
Zac: Good (she passes the phone to Fatima)
Fatima: Who is it?
Karen: A potential client
Fatima: Hello this is Fatima
Zac: Hi Fatima this is your King speaking
(Fatima looks at Karen)
Scene switches back at the Castle
Evie:(walks into the Room) My Lord
Zac: Yes I'm on the phone
Evie: Your mother is awake darling
Zac: I have to go but I will call you back answer the phone (he hangs up) Wait for me
Evie: (walks away) No (Zac catches up to her)
Zac: What is your problem?
Evie: Nothing I want to be alone
Zac: We are a pair we are King and Queen
Evie: Please don't remind me of my mistakes
(They walk inside the room)
Doctor: Your majesty and your majesty (he bows) Your mother Isabella is doing good she is awake
Zac: Mother you gave us a scary
Queen: Oh I'm fine I need to be alright before this weekend
Zac: What's happening this weekend
Doctor: Your mother always does the charity event at the hospital
Zac; You alway go every year around this time we can push it back
Evie: Yeah or you could go
Zac: Where is it at?
Evie: (she hangs her head) Darling
Zac: What?
Evie: Your mother is tired we shall let her rest
Zac: Yes but first where do you go for charity?
Queen: Don't worry about it I will make a way okay (she pats him on his hand)
Zac: Very well fine mother
Queen: Now leave me my pain killers are kicking in
Zac: Yes ma"ma (they walk out and Zac goes back to his studies)

Ring Ring
Fatima: Hello Isabella
Queen: Hello Mrs. Jones
Fatima: You did not check in or RSVP yet?
Queen: I had a stroke I'm not doing well but I need you to come to England right away
Fatima: Are you forgetting about your son?
Queen: He will be sent to do charity work I won't have you here while he is here my dear
Fatima: I see and thank you when do you need me?
Queen: Saturday and bring Isabella please I miss my only grand child
Fatima: And risk Zac finding out no
Queen: Your right
Fatima: Good I will be there this weekend
Queen: Good thank you dear
Fatima: Mhmm (Fatima goes home and tells Antwan)
Antwan: If you go she gets her princess party I already booked it
Fatima: Okay Antwan
Antwan: Thank you
Fatima: Your welcome (they kiss and head to bed)

The Queen tells Zac about the charity event in America. He agrees to go for her in her place she tells Fatima and all the details they arrange for things to happen.

Scene switches to the next day for Antwan his mother.

Bennett: About damn time she let that child be who she wants to be
Antwan: Mom she doesn't believe in fairy tales and you know this
Bennett: Well I'm give her the best present money can't buy
Antwan: And what's that
Bennett: You will see son (later on that day Zac arrives in America for the event and heads to the hospital)
Bennett: I just could not believe it the King is coming here instead of his mother I am so happy I'm let my grand baby Isabella meet him
Erica; Aww that's sweet hopeful one day she can meet the Queen
Bennett: Right I'm picking her up and I will be back okay
Erica: Okay Bennett (she goes to get Isabella from
School and she brings her back to the hospital)

They arrive just in time to meet the King
Isabella: Grandma look
Bennett: Yes baby but please don't point
Harvey: Your majesty
Zac: Thank you for having me (everyone waves and flashes pictures) This is my son Octavius
Octavius: Hello Everyone
Zac: Hello everyone thanks for having me (Zac walks around greeting everyone)
Zac: (he stops when he comes to Isabella) And what's your name Princess?
Isabella:(looks up at her grandma) My name is Isabella
Zac: Why that's a beautiful name my mother name is Isabella
Isabella: Your mother is Isabella too grandma
Bennett: (whispers something to Isabella) Yes baby yess
Octavius: Hi Isabella I'm the prince
Isabella: That's cool I have a princess party want to come?
Octavius: Daddy can I?
Zac: Son we will see nice meeting you Isabella(she hugs him and Bennett smiles)

Later on that night at the house
Isabella: Mommy mommy (she runs in the house) Mommy I got tell you about my day
Fatima: Okay spill baby
Isabella: I meet the King
Fatima: Wait who? (She looks at Bennett)
Isabella: King Zachery and Prince Octavius
Fatima: Honey can you go upstairs you can play with your doll house grandma got you
Isabella: Oh boy (she runs upstairs)
Bennett: Fatima I know what your gone say but she has a right to know (Fatima pulls out her knife)
Fatima: I should slice you but I won't because I love your son but you had no right (Antwan walks in)
Antwan: Fatima baby are you okay?
Fatima: Go Bennett now (Bennett looks at her and runs off)
Antwan: Fatima baby?
Fatima: (whisper it)Isabella meet her father
Antwan: Wait what?

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