Kisses Jealous and Confusion

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Fatima:(she smiles at him) Zac your lips are
Zac: Soft right?
Fatima; What about your fiancé
Zac: I want to know more about Fatima you gone show me?
Fatima: I can (they continue to walk on the beach and smile at each other)

Scene switches to Danni and Preston they get to the beach

Danni: You we're right
Preston; See I told you so you know that means
Danni; (he leans in to kiss Danni she moves away) I know your a player I'm good on that I did my homework
Preston; Oh you did
Danni: Mhmm and I ain't the girl (she looks at Fatima)
Preston; Well I see she is
Danni; (looks at him) Fatima Fatima
Preston; Wait Danni
Danni; Fuck you Royal Dutch bag (she runs down to the beach and Fatima and Zac sees her)
Zac: What's wrong
Fatima: You okay?
Danni; Let's go Fatima this guys are Dutch bags and we are not cheap American women let's go
Zac: Wait what happen?
Danni: Your friend the Duke is an asswhole (Fatima look at him)
Fatima: Let him explain (Preston catches up)
Preston: I ain't explain shit she took what I said and ran with I said your friend is easy (Fatima and Danni both look at Preston then at Zac)
Zac :Hey Yo
Preston; What she the one that's tonguing you down
Fatima: Oh really well fuck you mother fucker let's go Danni (they walk off the beach)

Preston; See American women are crazy
Zac: No you are crazy man do you not want your bro happy
Preston; You have Evie you have a reputation to care about you little ass kisser
Zac: A kisser man chill with that your the one that messing up your family name not me your suppose to be setting a example instead you want run around like a fucking child I'm over this (Zac walks off then turns around)
Preston; Need a ride?
Zac: Yeah I do
Preston: Come on(they head back to Preston house)

Zac: You got apologize to Danni
Preston; Not happening she is a hot head
Zac: Just like you and besides Fatima ain't going for it unless you apologize to her friend
Preston: Fine
Zac: Get cleaned up your cooking tonight too I got the ladies coming over and my cousin Aaron is coming he wants to see Karen
Preston; Okay but why I got cook?
Zac: To impress Danni bro your an ass hole I think you like but Danni ain't like the other girls you fucked and left on read or paid off she is special cause by now you would tried to hit
Preston: I did
Zac: (looks at him) No you ain't come on man your talking to me the player well once the player but I like Fatima so help a brother out Danni will come around
Preston; Who to say I want her ass
Zac: You do cause if I call my other friend
Preston: Go ahead
Zac: I hate when you fronting you want know more about her I ain't never seen you take walk with anyone not even the Duchess you was promised too
Preston; Whatever I'm go take a shower don't eat all my good snacks you know I get the munchies in the middle of the night.
Zac: I won't pot head
Preston; Pill popper
Zac: Damn you hitting below the belt
Preston: That would be you (Preston heads upstairs to take a shower and get ready he comes back downstairs and starts cooking)
Zac: Man you need hire more help that other master room bathroom is so dusty
Preston; I am but I ain't got time I been running bitches but I will probably tell Karen when her vacation is over to help me find someone
Zac: Good ideal why did you let the staff go tho?
Preston; You know why anywho where are the ladies
Zac: On the way oh and Aaron is pulling up (he looks out the window) Right now
Aaron: What's up fellas
Preston; What up
Zac: What up Aaron
Aaron; You tell me I smell the food
Zac: Right he up in the kitchen again
Preston; Don't you too start No messy (the doorbell rings and Zac goes to get it)
Fatima:This house is lovely
Zac; Thank you it's Preston family home
Danni; Family his family lives here?
Zac: No his parents don't they unfortunately passed away when he was fourteen
Karen: Yeah we brought wine
Fatima: And a apple pie Danni made it ain't that right
Danni; Don't look at me
Karen: Can both of you stop it
(They go inside the kitchen and Preston and Danni lock eyes)
Danni; Hey
Preston; Hey ladies welcome to my home
Danni; (she looks at the girls) Umm
Fatima: Come on let's sit down
Karen; Right let's sit down (they all sit at the table and Preston Aaron and Zac put there plates in front of them and fix there plates and sit down they open a bottle of wine and pour it)
Fatima: Is this wine vintage
Danni; It is look is says 1836
Preston; Yes it is my family owned a vineyard
Danni; What happen to your parents (Preston loos up at her)
Preston; What type of person asks what happen to your parents? Huh?
Aaron; Preston she did not mean anything by it
Preston; Oh she didn't then why she ask huh?
Zac: Danni forgive my friend
Danni; Oh I am here to hear apology
Preston; You won't get it get out my house and Karen and Fatima you guys are welcome to stay but she gets to go
Danni; Glad to leave but my girls go with me let's go girls
Fatima: Danni I love you just apologize
Karen; No we can't ask her to apologize for how she really act
Danni; Whats that suppose to me bitch?
Preston; I will say your a bitch and you need help you guys stay here I will take a walk maybe you can control this one (he points at Danni and he walks off)

Danni: I don't know why I thought he was cute he is just ugh
Fatima; Danni that was wrong
Karen: You know how she is
Danni; Karen don't embarrass me
Aaron; It's fine ladies he gets really touchy about his parents
Zac: Very much he has a lot bruised wounds from the pain he lost his siblings as well he become the Duke that day and he hates it his uncle died recently so he will become prince he was engaged but he denounced his throne because he doesn't want to get married it's a lot
Danni; Oh
Zac: Yeah he just goes thru a lot
Danni; We'll I'm go outside and get some fresh air
Aaron: And Danni we are sorry you did nothing wrong
Zac: Not at all (Danni goes outside and walks around she bumps into Preston)
Preston: Excuse me
Danni: I'm sorry I did not know
Preston: I was fourteen when my mother my father and sister and brother died I had wanted to stay here if I would been with them in that car I would have died to
Danni; I'm really sorry
Preston; It's fine I don't like talking about it because folks throw it in my face for my drugs and alcohol and all the money I spend my staff turned on me and I fired them all so now it's just me and this big ass house alone
Danni; You almost out of money
Preston; Do you just say anything out your mouth
Danni; Yeah I do
Preston; No I am billionaire I will never run out of money
Danni; You kind can
Preston: Actually I won't my parents own a lot things in town we own every Christian Dior store in the US so I'm not gone be broke no time soon
(They talk for awhile scene switches back at the house Zac and Fatima do the dishes)

Fatima; I'm surprised you know how to do dishes
Zac: Why you say that?
Fatima: You are a prince
Zac: And I know how to do a lot things I went to college I had to I could not take staff with me and the person I did take was my bodyguard I learned quick
Fatima: How so?
Zac: When I mixed white clothes with dark clothes and messed them up
Fatima: Damn
Zac: Right I messed up my Good polo (Fatima burst out laughing) why you laughing?
Fatima: Rich people problems Zac that's hilarious
Zac: That ain't funny Fatima I had buy all new clothes that ain't ever happen to you
Fatima: It is funny and no I read reading is fundamental Zac
Zac: Man don't do that I have never washed my clothes
Fatima: I see (she continues to laugh)
Zac: Man Fatima
Fatima: Okay I'm sorry (she kissed him)
Zac: Is that apology?
Fatima: I'm sorry but Zac that was funny just know I will never let you do my laundry
Zac: See Fatima I ain't telling you nothing else dumb I did
Fatima: Yeah don't baby

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