My Mother Is A Liar

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Five years have past and Zachery King of England in the time frame of this five years Zac married Evie and they preparing to have another child. Zachery is still not in love with Evie but he makes do with what he has with her because he is King. The Queen which is Zac mother still flys over to American back and forth every year and checks on her grand daughter Isabella she never mentions it to Zac he has no clue. Back in America Fatima marry Antwon and he raise Isabella Emoni Wilson which is now Jones because of Fatima changing it when she got married not to long after Isabella is born.

Evie: Are you ready?
Zac: I am make it look believe this time
Evie: I am
Zac: No your not last time you were an emotional wreck and I had to explain to the people what was wrong I'm sick of you go I will tell the people you are ill tonight now go (Evie looks at him)
Evie: I'm sorry my love
Zac: Go now (Zac goes into the party and mingles with the guest after spending time at the party he goes back upstairs)
Evie: Zac can we talk?
Zac: You know you don't sleep in here please get out
Evie: Are you mad at me?
Zac: Yes you know why I am
Evie: Your mad at me was having sex for God sake how do you do this to me I was gone get pregnant no matter what because we was having unprotected sex
Zac: Get out of my site
(Knock knock)
Evie: Come in
Maid: Your majesty
Evie: What is it?
Maid: It's the Queen she has had a stroke
Zac: She what? (Zac runs downstairs)
Doctor; (walks out the room) King Zachery it's not good
Zac: Do whatever you can for my mother she is my mother
Evie; (rushes to his aid) Darling I am here
Zac: Please leave me alone
Maid: (whisper)Your majesty they are watching (Zac looks at Evie)
Zac: I am sorry my love

Scene switches to Fatima and Isabella

Isabella: Mommy mommy look at me
Fatima: Look at you baby
Karen: She looks like a Princess
Danni: She does
Isabella: Can I be a princess for my birthday mom
Fatima: Oh Sweetie we talked about this you know you can't
Isabella: Why not mommy?
Fatima: Because you know
Isabella: Princess don't have happy ending but Megan did mom
Fatima: I said no Isabella
Isabella: It's not fair mommy
Fatima: Life not fair Isabella
Antwan walks in and Isabella runs to him

Isabella: I missed you daddy
Antwan: I missed you too sweetness hey honey (they kiss)
Karen; Well we are gone head out
Danni: Yeah let's go
Antwan: Wait no I need you guys help
Danni and Karen look at him
Antwan: Fatima I got a job
Fatima: Baby you already have a job
Antwan: Yeah I know but it's weird a lady name Evie Taylor she reached out to me and she wants me to design her nursery (Fatima drops the plate)
Fatima; What Evie Taylor (she looks at Karen)
Antwan: What's wrong?
Karen; You did nothing wrong Fatima
Danni; Fatima
Fatima: I'm fine I need some air (she walks outside)

Danni and Karen walk up

Fatima: Karen
Karen; I'm sorry Ti
Fatima: Zac married her (she starts to cry) His mother never talks about her and then he goes and does this how long have they been married
Danni; A year
Fatima: You knew?
Danni: Lord Preston told me
Fatima: This ain't right get the Fuck out my house
Karen: Fatima I'm sorry
Fatima: You knew how much I loved him
Karen: You remember you got mad at me when I told you tell him about Isabella
Fatima: His mother and I have a deal get out (Antwan walks outside)
Antwan: What's going on?
Fatima: Nothing baby I just want make love to the men that loves you ladies see your way out my house
Antwan and Fatima go back inside and Danni and Karen leave.

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