Playing Games With Royalty

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Antwan gets home and tells Fatima she smiles for him and tells him congratulations. The next day he gets ready and she drives him to the airport. And Fatima heads to the doctor Danni and Karen goes with her.
Doctor: Hi Mrs. Jones
Karen: (takes Fatima hand) We are here
Doctor: Your test results came back your not pregnant (she pauses) Can you ladies step out
Danni: Yeah yeah sure come on Karen
Fatima: Thank you ladies (they close the door)
Doctor; (Fatima breaks down) They don't know about the abortion do they?
Fatima: No one does I got pregnant by Antwan when Isabella was three I did not want it and I refused to carry his child
Doctor: Well I am so sorry Fatima
Fatima: I never loved him
Doctor: I see leave him go be with the men you love
Fatima: It's not that simple we are both married
Doctor: I see this is two much
Fatima: Very much is I'm go I have a lot work to do theses houses won't sell them self (she hops off the table)
Doctor: Good lucky Fatima I know it will all work out (she takes her hand)
Scene switches to Antwan arriving late that evening in England Zac greets him and welcomes him in:
Zac: (takes him to the nursery) We had a little accident
Evie: (she looks at Zac) Someone attacked it with a sledge hammer
Antwan: Well I can have it done in a few weeks
Evie: You have a week
Zac: He can have three weeks where is your family?
Evie: You have family
Antwan: My wife Fatima Jones won't be join me nor will my daughter Emily Jones be joining me my wife doesn't care too much for royalty
Evie: She too good now
Antwan: I beg your pardon?
Zac: My wife is high on pain killers go rest and tend to your daughter (Evie leaves and Zac looks at Antwan)
Antwan: I can have this done in three weeks
Zac: I'm hold you to that but you should have brought your wife she use to love the palace (he walks away)
Antwan begins cleaning up the mess and the Queen pulls up and comes inside.
Evie: (comes downstairs) Your majesty
Queen: Hello Evie
Evie: Our daughter is here do you want to see your grand child?
Queen: I don't want see another one of Martin children I went to go see his wife and children he sons the women that he is rightful his wife you never held up your end now I won't hold up mine be gone now out of my sight (Evie looks at her)
Evie: I'm sorry your Majesty
Queen: Sorry sorry is for weak bitches such as your self I now have to tell my son the truth now go on now (she walks away and Evie takes the envelope opener and she stabs the Queen from behind)
Evie: (starts screaming) No your majesty noo (she screams out and faints everyone comes rushing in
The Doctor comes and everyone waits on him to come out and say something.
Zac: Leave us all I want to talk to Evie
Evie: (tears flowing) Baby I'm so sorry
Zac: (he takes a sit) Should I believe my beautiful
Treacherous wife did not do this I know you tried to kill my mother but it did not work
Evie: I don't know what you mean honey
Zac: I smell a killer confess your sins or I will have the authorities take you away
Evie: I did not try to kill your mother I would never she is the one with the secrets
Zac: You keep saying secrets what secrets?
Evie: Antwan doesn't have a daughter with Fatima
Zac: What are you talking about I asked Fatima and she showed me proof that's his daughter
Evie: But have you seen the little girl
Zac: No I have not
Evie: You meet her at the hospital her name is Isabella and I did try to kill your mother I did not conquer but maybe you will she is the reason why Fatima never told you see you flying all over and don't even know your mother is the on with the power and your to stupid to realize it (she walks out of the room)

Zac gets ready to go to America he gets on the net he lands the next morning and knocks on Fatima door.

Fatima:Isabella hurry up we got to go (she goes to open the door and Isabella comes downstairs)
Isabelle: Mommy it's the King
Zac: (he kneels down before Isabella) Is it true Fatima?
Fatima: Isabelle go back upstairs
Zac: No Isabelle I am your father
Isabelle: Mommy what is he talking about?
Fatima: Go upstairs
Zac: Don't go Isabelle your mother and I meet 6 years ago and she never told me or you that I am your father we fall in love
Isabelle; My daddy name is Antwan
Zac: Fatima you want to explain to Isabelle that this is true what I am saying
Fatima; Baby go upstairs now
Isabelle: No you told me that lying is a sin I guessed you sinned then mommy (she runs upstairs)
Zac closes the door and looks at Fatima and she looks at him.
Zac; I love you Fatima (he kisses her and Isabelle comes downstairs with a book)
Isabelle: Mommy is this the story you told me as a child is that why grandma tells me I can't tell anyone who she really is

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