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Queen: I know your on vacation
Karen; Yes ma"ma
Queen: Tell your cousin or sister or whatever she is to you to stay away from Zachary his wife is here and Zac doesn't need any distractions you hear me besides your cousin doesn't have royal blood Zac is gone to be King and I will not have him marrying an American women with no royal blood line do I make myself clear young lady?
Karen; Yes ma"ma I will tell her
Queen: Yes you do and Karen
Karen: Ma"ma?
Queen; Don't lose your job because of your American family I will see too it you won't have a decent paying job every again in life.

(Zac over hears his mother)
Karen: Yes ma"ma (she goes in the room)
Fatima:(looks at her) I'm sorry Karen
Karen: Don't be get your stuff we are going to my place
Danni and Fatima: We already did come on (they get there stuff and head downstairs)
Zac: Wait where are you ladies going?
Danni: To Karen house
Fatima: Yeah we think it's a good ideal
Zac: Wait No come on don't leave
Karen; Zac it's fine I will be back in a week
Zac: No Karan look I will talk to my mother
(The King walks up)
King: Karen?
Zac: Dad talk to her
King; Ladies put your bags down and don follow me
(They walk to the great room)

Queen: Yes
Zac: Mom Karen is leaving
Queen: Good I don't want that trash in my palace
Zac: Mom
Queen: What your wife is sitting right here
Zac: She is not my wife
Evie: Zachary!
Zac: No disrespect Evie but mother?
Queen: No buts Karen is on vacation and she is the help not a friend
King: She is right
Zac: Ugh am I the only one that is sane in this palace:(he storms out and sees Karen and the girls drive away)

Over the next few days Karen Fatima and Danni spend time going to the beach and going shopping

Fatima: It's so nice here
Danni: It is I could move here but I like my freedom.
Fatima: You mean your job
Danni: That part you know what I mean
Karen: So you ladies want go to a party tonight
Danni: Yes where at?
Karen; The Duke is having a party
Danni; Preston?
Karen; Mhmm he invited us
Fatima: Will Zac be there
Danni; Aht aht Zac is engaged
Fatima: So did you see the way he was looking at me
Danni; Mhmm
Karen; Yeah he likes you but
Fatima: I know I know I won't cost you your job
Karen: Thanks I know you like him but Zac is a good guy but he is faithful to Evie his fiancé
Danni: What does she look like
Karen; Come on I will show you (she pulls out her phone)

Fatima: You mean your job Danni: That part you know what I meanKaren: So you ladies want go to a party tonight Danni: Yes where at? Karen; The Duke is having a party Danni; Preston? Karen; Mhmm he invited us Fatima: Will Zac be there Danni; Aht ah...

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Danni: Wow she is pretty
Fatima: She is wait is she a duchess?
Karen: Indeed she is

Scene switches to Zac and Evie

Evie; (they just finish having sex) Wow
Zac:(gets up) What?
Evie: Who is Fatima?
Zac: I'm sorry?
Evie: Zac you mumbled her name?
Zac: It's a girl I met I can't shake off my mind
Evie: (she kisses him) Look we are gone to get married and I know you will have concubines but I am the only one that will have the name Mrs. Taylor whoever she is get it thru your thick skull she and you can't be together (she gets up and goes to take a shower)
Zac:(comes in the shower) Our marriage is arrange
Evie: It is but Zac you have no choose you will lose it all over a silly American is she worth you losing your money sleep with her but don't fall in love.
Zac: So treat her like a hoe?
Evie: She probably only after your money you don't even know her she be just like the last girl you fall in love with and she broke your heart remember I'm the real deal(she washes herself and Zac looks at her)
Zac: Your wrong
Evie: I am wrong well when she brokes your heart you will see that I am right just like I am always (later on that night Zac goes to the party)

Fatima: There he is
Danni; Fatima
Fatima; What?
Danni;Nothing you got your eyes on Zac
Fatima: And do Preston got his eyes on you
Danni: See I can't do that he got a wife or someone that is Royal I can't have a fairytale summer thing I am protecting my heart
Karen:(walks back up) Hey ladies your having fun?
Danni; Yeah but Fatima want have more fun with Zac
Karen:(turns around) He is coming over
Zac: What's up ladies?
Karen Danni and Fatima all say

Danni; So Karen and I are gone go get something to drink
Karen: Yeah let's go (they dart off)

Zac and Fatima are left standing alone

Zac: So?
Fatima: So how are you?
Zac: I'm good and you?
Fatima: I'm good I am really enjoying myself
Zac: I see you want go for a walk?
Fatima: Sure
(They both walk outside)
Fatima: Are you sure your okay?
Zac: I missed seeing you even tho we just meet and you left without saying goodbye
Fatima: About that I don't want risk Karen job
Zac: I feel you but I know my parents won't get rid of her Karen knows too much and besides she is the best
Fatima: That she is (he looks at Fatima)
Zac: I want to kiss you
Fatima: Then why don't?
Zac: Because what I want to do to you is a sin
Fatima: A sin?
Zac: Yes (he steps closer to Fatima and gazed into her eyes) I ain't never felt this way before your driving me insane
Fatima: Zac
Zac: Shh (he touches her lips)
Fatima: Do it

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