How Do You Say No In Every Language?

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The next day Antwan gets up and heads downstairs and makes breakfast and feeds Isabella.

Isabella: Daddy can I be a princess for my birthday?
Antwan: Mom doesn't want you to be but daddy does so I'm talk to mommy for you
Isabella: Your the best daddy in the world (the bus come and he puts her on it)
Fatima comes downstairs and fixes herself some coffee
Antwan: I cooked
Fatima: I see baby I'm not hungry
Antwan: Fatima why won't you let our daughter be a princess for her birthday
Fatima: I already told you she can't be one
Antwan: That's not fair Fatima look if you say no to this job which you did you need say yes to our daughter or I'm going over seas and doing that nursery for your baby daddy
Fatima: Antwan Jones if you do that I will divorce you
Antwan: Do it he won't leave his wife for you he loves his wife
Fatima; I don't love Zachery anymore it was a fling and I am good
Antwan; Your not good cause your hiding a secret from it and if your over him why can't we have a baby
Fatima:We are trying
Antwan: Your still on birth control Fatima look I'm head to work I love you but don't worry I don't want you to say it back cause your still in love with his Royal Highest (he walks out and Fatima heads to work)

Scene switches to Zachery and Evie at breakfast with Octavious their son:

Octavious: Father are we playing a game of golf today
Zac: I'm afraid not son I have meetings all day and you have school
Evie: I got in touch with an American to do the nurse
Zac: Whatever you know what we discussed last night
Evie: Octavious go on to school mom loves you
Octavious hugs his mother and father and heads to school:

Zac: Beatrice come here
Maid: (Comes in the room) Yes your majesty
Zac: Meet me in the room in ten minutes
Mai: Yes sir (she leaves out the room)
Evie:(looks at him) On a Monday?
Zac: I can't do anything with a whale
Evie: Hold your tongue I am carrying your child
Zac:That I did not ask for (he goes upstairs with the maid after they have sex he puts his clothes on)
Maid: Sir I found that information out for you
Zac: Good girl (he kisses her) Beatrice I see you very much so
Maid; I am just doing my job
Zac: You are appreciated your money is on the night stand (he turns and walks way)
Maid; Fatima got married and had a baby
Zac: (turns around) She did what's the baby name?
Maid: I don't know I am trying the babies files were sealed

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