Matters Of The King

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Zac kisses Fatima and she kisses him back
Evie:(walks up) Prince Zachary
Fatima; Oh my gosh
Evie; No please stay won't you I see you found my husband
Zac: Evie
Evie: Your mother is here
Fatima: I'm go
Evie: I would do that if I was you and don't kiss my man no more he is mine
Zac: Fatima wait
Evie:(steps in the way) No Zac let her go (Fatima goes back in the house)
Karen: What's wrong?
Danni; You okay?
Fatima: Yeah can we go
Karen: Yeah
Danni; Let's go (Preston grabs Danni arm)
Preston: Can't you stay
Danni: Boy I don't know you get off me (Danni yanks her arm away and they leave)

Evie: (looks at Zac) Don't over step honey (she taps him on the face)
Zac: Your dead wrong(storms off) Mother
Queen: Yes Mother let's talk
Zac: Yes ma"ma
Queen: (they walk back in the house) Lovely party Duke Preston but I will be bowing out it's a damn shame your parents are not here to see how you have become
Preston; I'm sure Zac feels the same way goodbye now (he bows and she looks at him)
Queen: Your in asshole just like your father no wonder your mother and him died
Preston; Get that lady you call a mother out my house
Queen; Don't touch me your mother and father are turning over in there grave
Preston; (looks at Zac) I don't know how you put up with this bitch (he walks off)
Zac: Hey man that's my mother
Preston; Whatever she gone ruin your life just like your brother Jeremiah (Zac follows him)
Queen: That's right talk to him
Zac: (catches up to him)Jeremih come on bro don't bring him up or call my mother out her name
Preston; It's the truth you like Fatima hell you might actually love her but it's okay I would not be under that bitch throne you have money you can dethrone your rights just like I'm thinking about doing I might go to america
Zac: And do what?
Preston; Get to know Karen sister Danni
Zac: That girl ain't feeling you
Preston: You don't know that take a chance with me Zac let's find love the right way I'm not gone marry the women I was promised to and she is happy she is already in love
Zac: Man I'm not like you
Preston; You need too shit the way you looked at Fatima when you first saw her man it was like a spark
Zac: It was
Preston; But you go on and be with your mother cause you ain't ready for Fatima hell I might try if Danni don't
Zac; Bro chill on that shit
Preston: Look at you go get your women shit cause I'm get mine (Preston phones lights up)
Zac: Who is that?
Preston; See for yourself
Zac: Yo is that
Preston: Yup could be you and Fatima by the way I got her number
Zac: Ayo Preston
Preston: Chill man I don't want her it's for you call her test it out maybe you will fall in love with her and not marry Evie besides you don't want Evie anyway let's go I want enjoy my party I only got one more night to be a hoe before I lock Danni down
Zac: Please just cause she texted you don't mean she wants you
Preston; Say who ( Zac leaves with his mother and Evie)

Scene switches back to Preston after the party

Girl one: You ready?
Preston; I am
Girl two: You sure?
Preston; I am (they both go down and take turns kiss and sucking on Preston dick then kiss each other and one looks at Preston)
Girl one: What do you want from me?
Girl two; Your wish is my company
Preston; Come hop on this dick this royal dick
Girl one: Yes your highest

Scene switches to Zac at the house

Evie:(rubs on Zac) Zac
Zac: I'm good let's just go to sleep
Evie: Do you love me still
Zac: Not tonight yo I can't
Evie: You went to the best school and your using yo the ghetto
Zac: I got your ghetto Evie
Evie: Look I'm sorry I just really want this
Zac: You know if we don't get married you don't lose anything
Evie: I do being a princess and a queen
Zac: Your caught up in titles
Evie: I am and I want be that with you my husband (she kisses his back)
Zac: Not tonight please(Evie looks at him)
Evie: Your dick is saying something else I will let you pull my hair and spank me
Zac: No I don't want have sex let's just talk
Evie: Fine goodnight
Zac: I'm sorry Evie
Evie: No goodnight ugh (they next day Zac goes to a press conference with Evie and Preston)

Report one: Prince Zachary are you ready to get married?
Zac: I am of course
Evie: We are gone have a lavish wedding
Report two: What about you Duke?
Preston; I am not marrying anyone I'm party and Fuck bitches
Zac and Evie looks at him
Preston; As the English language say YOLO
(Zac looks at him)
Preston:Zac was just like me too before Queen Taylor made him put an engagement ring on
Report three: What about your fiancé Louise
Preston: Fuck her respectful (he exit the stage)
Report one: Prince was it true your like Preston
Zac: No comment come on Evie
Evie: No he is better then the Duke and he is gone become king
Zac: Evie let's go
Evie: No I'm not done here (she smiles) anymore questions?
Report two: When is the wedding?
Evie: Zac can answer that
Zac: I definitely can never (he storms off and the report go crazy)
Report five: Can you answer Evie will this hurt your chance as queen
Evie; Like my fiancé said no more questions
(She walks off but gracefully)
Zac: Evie don't start
Evie: I am what was that
Preston: He said never why are you still here your blowing my high let's go Zac
Zac; Let's go
Preston; Hell yeah let's go (they take off)
Evie: (following them) Your going where
Zac: Away from you (Zac and Preston get in the car)

Report one: Prince Zachary are you ready to get married? Zac: I am of course Evie: We are gone have a lavish wedding Report two: What about you Duke?Preston; I am not marrying anyone I'm party and Fuck bitchesZac and Evie looks at him Preston; As ...

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Preston; To see our women
Zac Too see our women (they take off leaving Evie there)

30 minutes later they pull up at Karen cottage and go inside

Karen: Your gone have paparazzi all over my place
Preston: My apologies I wanted to see your sister
Danni: (walks in) You see me now you don't
Preston; Come on don't play
Danni; Fine but we ain't doing anything
Preston: Says every girl that comes with me
Danni; I can stay here
Preston; I am sorry come on please
Zac; Hey yo you got manners
Preston; I ain't rude
Zac and Karen: since when
Preston; Since today come on Danni
Zac: Can I borrow your car?
Preston: Yeah don't crash it (Zac and Fatima deep out)

Fatima: Where are we going?
Zac: Too see the world
Fatima: Okay (Zac opens the car door and Fatima gets in)
Zac: Thank you my lady (he goes around to get in and takes off Fatima starts to scream)
Fatima: Zac slow down shit
Zac: I'm sorry (he takes her hand and kisses it she blushes)
Fatima: Okay Prince (he smiles and they drive off far)
Zac; Come on (they pull up)
Fatima: Zac I can't swim and I don't got a bathing suit
Zac: We'll I was thinking
Fatima: Hell No take me back home
Zac: We can wear our under clothes
Fatima: I don't got no panties
Zac: Even better I can taste it
Fatima: Hell no Zac
Zac; What my tongue game is good well
Fatima: We'll what??
Zac: Okay can we stick our feet in
Fatima: No
Zac: You got corns?
Fatima: No my feet pretty bitch
Zac: Let me see then?
Fatima: You like feet?
Zac: Yes I do your feet only
Fatima; You ain't even seen my feet
Zac: Can I see it (they get out the car and Zac goes around to get Fatima out)
Fatima; What you doing?
Zac: I want see your feet Fatima come on now
Fatima: Fine Zac (he takes her shoes off)
Zac; Wow your feet
Fatima; What?,
Zac: They ugly as hell
Fatima: (she sucks her teeth) well you wanted to see them
Zac; I'm just joking come on my feet look bad too come on (they both take off there shoes and walk on the beach)
Fatima: (He stops to look at her) You are so beautiful to me (he leans in to kiss her)

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