A Death and A Plan

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The next day after Fatima and Evie leave Zac father has a freak accident and he dies everyone in England Mourns his death.

Scene changes to Karen apartment Danni and Fatima are getting ready to leave
Karen: Fatima you don't have to leave
Fatima: I know your not suggesting I stay here
Karen: Zac loves you
Fatima: We'll I don't love him
Karen: Fatima
Fatima: Karen No come on Danni
Danni: I mean we can stay here
Fatima: I have a life and a job at home I'm go home
Karen: Fine let me take you to the airport
Fatima: No I'm not gone let you (Karen walks out the room)
Danni: Fatima
Fatima: What?
Danni: I know your hurting
Fatima: I am not hurting I am stupid just a stupid American girl that fall in love with someone that is not her equal and that is promised to someone else I'm just gone leave (Fatima grabs her suitcase she goes out the door)
Zac: Are you really leaving ?
Danni: Zac is that you?
Zac: It's me
Fatima: You should not be here
Zac: You let me worry about that
Fatima: Zac what do you want?
Zac: I want to marry you Fatima
Fatima: No you don't
Danni: She wants you Zac
Fatima: No I don't excuse me
Zac: Fatima I want marry you forreal
Fatima: Why you don't even know me Zac
Zac: I want to know you Fatima my mother and father did not know each other but they grow to love one another please Fatima marry me?
Fatima: Goodbye Zac (she gets in the cab she goes to the airport)
Danni: You ain't gone stop her?
Zac: I am not she doesn't want me to Danni (Zac leaves and heads home)
Queen:(Zac walks in) She turned you down
Zac: Be quiet
Queen: Come here son I am sorry
Zac: I am fine you know this is your fault
Queen: How so?
Zac: You paid her didn't you
Queen: I did no such thing
Zac: Alright I'm going to bed (Zac leaves to go to his room)
Evie comes out the room
Queen: Go comfort him
(The maid comes in )
Queen: Wait
Evie: What is it?
Queen: Yes?
Maid: It's the girl
Queen: What girl?
Maid: Fatima she wants to see the King
Queen: Well my husband is dead
Maid: She wants to see the new King your son Zachery
Queen: Why does Fatima want to see Zac
Maid: She said it's urgent
Queen: Tell her to wait in the studies well go on
Maid: Right away
Evie: You can't be serious?
Queen: Oh I am go get the ring and put it on
Evie: Yes ma"ma and then what??
Queen: Meet me downstairs in 5 (she walks downstairs)
Fatima:( she walks in the studies)I want to see you son your majesty
Queen: Of course but I need to talk to you first he should be down in a minute have a sit (10 minutes go by and Evie walks in)
Evie: Hi Fatima
Fatima: (she stands up)What is going on here?
Queen: My son is engaged you see go back home to American and live you life Zac doesn't want you Evie is pregnant
Fatima: She is what?
Queen: Pregnant
Fatima: How?
Queen: Well he got her pregnant now I know your mother and father in American own a restaurant and they need money so I have made arrangements you stay away from Zac or else now be gone (Fatima looks at her)
Fatima: Zac will get you
Queen: He won't know if you don't ever say anything
Fatima: Zac will find out like he always does
Evie: He wont you see this ring it's mine not yours now get out here your funking up the palace with your American odor (Fatima walks towards her she looks her dead in the eyes and slaps her right across the face)
Queen: Are you crazy?
Fatima: I just wanted you to have a taste of my American odor before I leave now you have a good day bitch. (Fatima storms out and gets in the cab and drives off)

Zac comes down the stairs and sees his mother and Evie walking out of the studies.

Evie: Darling
Zac: What are you doing here? And why does it smell like that?
Queen: Like what I been meaning to tell the maids to clean up in here
Zac: Has Fatima been here?
Queen: Why on earth would you say that?
Zac: Her perfume mom
Queen: Oh darling that silly cheap American girl ain't been here
Zac: Mother
Queen: I'm sorry your friend has not come here
Zac: Why are you here Evie?
Evie: I wanted to talk you
Zac: About?
Evie: I'm sorry can we talk?
Zac: Yeah I'm good I lost my father please leave
Evie: Oh Zachery I'm sorry
Zac: Yeah I know now go (Zac heads back upstairs)

Over the next few weeks Zac lays his father to rest and gets ready to become King. Evie never leaves his side he tries to reach out to Fatima but no lucky.

Evie: (walks in the room) Zac
Zac: Didn't I tell you to knock
Evie: I'm sorry can I come in
Zac: Fine your already in the room what do you want?
Evie: Zac I'm head back to my country
Zac: Okay do that then
Evie: You don't love me?
Zac: I don't want you Evie your not Fatima
Evie: I can be better then her
Zac: No go home go marry someone else I don't care I give you my blessing
Evie: Zac I'm pregnant
Zac: I know Evie but its not mine you know that cause if you say it's mine I'm gone say no it's not
Evie: What type of question is that you really gone say that
Zac: Yes I am
Evie: Of course it's yours
Zac: Are you sure?
Evie: Yes I am sure
Zac: I can be the first King to be put on child support
Evie: What?
Zac: You heard me I can be the first King to be put on child support.
Evie: Damn you Zachery Taylor (Evie storms out)

9 months later Zac goes to the hospital Evie has there son:

Evie: He looks just like you
Zac: He doesn't
Evie: Yes he does
Zac: Just cause he is black doesn't mean he is mine
Evie: Yes he is yours
Zac: Fine Evie we will do a DNA Test. (They leave the hospital Zac mother gets a test done)

Evie: Your majesty we done it
Queen: How did we do it if my son finds out that the boy is not his he will lose it
Evie: He won't
Queen: Mhmm I'm going to America for a little bit
Evie: Why?
Queen: My business you make sure you get that ring and we don't have any problems you hear me
Evie: Yes ma"'ma

Zac:(walks in) Mom
Queen: Yes son
Evie: Hey your holding our son
Zac: Why would I not he is mine right Evie?
Evie: Of course your absolutely right
Zac: Now mother are you sure you got to go?
Queen: I do but I will be back (she kisses the baby)
Zac: Are you going to America to bring Karen back?
Queen: Heavens no she said she is done and I let her be she was good while she was here but she is gone now besides your only worried about Fatima
Zac: Your right about that and very well mother come on Evie we must have a talk
Queen: Go ahead you two love birds
Evie: Love birds? (Confused look on her face)
Zac: We ain't love birds we are co parenting
Zac: You and I will never be married now let's go (they leave and the Queen heads to the jet and takes off she lands 12 hours later and gets in the car and heads to her destination)

Queen: (knocks on the door) Hello Fatima
Fatima: Your majesty
Queen: May I come in (Danni walks up looking confused)
Danni: You told her?
Karen: Fatima what the hell?
Fatima: She knew already my mother called her
Queen: That's right May I see my grand daughter
Danni: Hell No
Fatima: It's fine
Queen: Thank you (she comes in)
Fatima: She is sleeping so don't wake her
Queen: That's fine (she follows Fatima)

Queen: She is so precious Fatima: Indeed what do you want? Queen: Oh you know I want something Fatima: I know a snake when I see one Queen: Very well then can we talk and make agreement? Fatima: My daughter is not for sale Queen: I know I don't wa...

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Queen: She is so precious
Fatima: Indeed what do you want?
Queen: Oh you know I want something
Fatima: I know a snake when I see one
Queen: Very well then can we talk and make agreement?
Fatima: My daughter is not for sale
Queen: I know I don't want her my dear sweet Fatima I want her mother to stay away from my son
Fatima: I have
Queen: No I mean for good
Fatima: I changed my number I have done it all what more do you want?
Queen: Follow me please get your coat

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