RNMR #24

76 3 0

*Quote idea from 1234567890hiandbye*

*Modern AU or Supernatural AU (The version that doesn't include Parent!Laris in the story)*

Rain *On the phone* : Uh, Stell? Can we stay over at your place tonight?

Stella *On the other end* : Why?

Rain: Kly messed with an ouija board and now our place is temporally cursed for the week.

Rain: And Ali hasn't learned how to banish spirits yet. He's been throwing salt and yelling 'DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL TO YOU!?' for almost an hour.

RNMR #1224

- Yeet Note -

Klyus (Kly) is Marcel's daughter in my AUs

Ali (Alistair) is Lhara's son in my AUs

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