RNMR #68

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*Okay, related to the previous quote*

Ciara: I'm so happy, I could kiss you.

Stella *Flustered* : Uhm...Neat!


Stella *Lying face down on the snow* : I said 'Neat', Rain. Who says 'neat' these days!? And why did I say 'neat' to Ciara!??

Rain *Drawing in the snow with a stick* : Don't beat yourself up too much, Stell. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Kane told me 'I love you'?

Stella *Sits up* : Didn't you thank him?

Rain *Throws the stick away and face plants onto the ground* : I fucking thanked him

RNMR #1268

Incorrect Quotes 7 [Rainimator AUs]Where stories live. Discover now