RNMR #81

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*Meme I found on YT from mah fav TMNT Gachatuber, Taehyung Shin*

*Wanted AU*

*Context on my AU: My Wanted AU is a Criminal AU that I made into a book that was discontinued around the middle of 2022. In the AU, Lyria is a high schooler that is given an offer to go undercover with Stella, an undercover vigilante, to attempt to take down a criminal trio that's been on the rise after Lyria's sister, Doraine, was ambushed by the same trio. Since this book was discontinued before the main plot could fully begin, I'll probs make a Context Book on my AUs someday or make oneshots*

*Quote context: Lyria, being undercover, is attempting the gain the trust of the Ichor Three, the same criminal trio that put her sister & Nostra in the hospital in critical condition.

Windwalker: What's the bravest thing you've ever said...?

Void: ...

Void: 'Help'.

Void: Asking for help isn't giving up. It's refusing to give up, even if it's from people on the 'wrong' side.

RNMR #1281

- Yeet Note -

Windwalker - Lyria's vigilante name (Was not creative with this lol)
Void - Rain's criminal name

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