RNMR #76

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*Quote suggestion from 1234567890hiandbye*

*Still haven't sorted out my AUs. This one is either Vigilante AU, Heroes vs Villains AU or Mafia AU*

Azura: There's no meeting today because Rain's at Random Mafia's base.

Stella *Spits out water* : He got caught!??

Daryll: How long do we have to break him out?

Nostra: Breaking & Entering? I'm in.

Doraine: Lyria & I will distract the guards!

Hilda: Guess I should bring over one of them bulletproof shields to keep us from being shot-

Azura: Guys, no! Rain didn't get caught, he's undercover! He doesn't need our help for now!

RNMR #1276

Incorrect Quotes 7 [Rainimator AUs]Where stories live. Discover now