RNMR #200

73 2 0

CG: *Sigh*

CG: I have held off on this quote from the generator since the very first book.

CG: Btw, new tradition, unless it's something like 1500 or 2000 etc, I will make the last quote of a book as NSFW as I can. If it's something like 1500 or 2000, etc, then the last 5 will be NSFW.

CG: Now, which pairing shall I use?

*Actual quote*

*I spun a wheel to choose the ship*

*If Daryll was the only one that died*

Doraine: Nostra, you remember when we agreed we were better off as friends, right?

Nostra *Naked in Doraine's bed* : No, I absolutely do not.

Doraine *Already taking off her clothes* : Fuck...Me neither.


Nostra: Captain, you remember when we agreed we were better off as friends, right?

Doraine *Naked in Nostra's bed* : No, I absolutely do not.

Nostra *Already taking off their clothes* : Fuck...Me neither.

RNMR #1400

- Yeet Note -


That's 1400 quotes dedicated to Rainimator AUs right there

Now I wanna know, who has read the other 6 incorrect quote books I've made?

Anyways, I'm not sure when I'll get book 8 out, but I want it to be somewhere in this month

As for who'll be on the cover, I'm still deciding
Also, I'm planning on making the covers of these books the gacha edit's I've made
But the only edits I've made of characters from My Rainimator AU are Ciara, Rain, Arabella, Abigail, Hilda, Gwendolyn, Ceris, Herobrine, Reaper, ya that's all of them

I need to make an edit of Lance, Stella & Lyria from My Rainimator AU to replace the covers
I'm still gonna work on an edit of Doraine before those tho

Okeh, enough rambling, BYE

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