RNMR #67

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Ciara *Barges into Frostbourne Tavern* : Hey, Kaaaane!!

Kane *High alcohol tolerance be like* : What do you want now, Ciara?

Ciara: Did you do what I said? Did you tell him? What did he say?

Kane: 'Thank you'.

Ciara: You are totally welcome. But what'd he say??

Kane *Ordering another shot of vodka* : He said, 'Thank you', Ciara. I said 'I love you' and Rain said 'Thank you'.

RNMR #1267

- Yeet Note -

Forgot to add something 2 days after posting
It's been updated

Headcanon: Rain is no longer bi. He is asexual & demisexual now

That means he only feels sexual attraction to someone after he feels an emotional bond. I think. Can't remember-

I know I did some research on sexualities when making that last chapter of Canon Meets Fanon and I know I ended up with a mix of asexual & demisexual

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