RNMR #126

49 1 0

*Meme from YT*

*Genshin AU*

*Fontaine or I might change the name for my AU*

Rain: Gentlemen, gentlemen, let's be civil about this, let's make a deal!

Rain: You surrender & you don't die. How's that sound?

Treasure Hoarder: Hah, and how do you intend to kill us?

Rain: Oh no, in this current state, I can't kill you.

Rain: But my buddy can. Say 'hi' Veneno!

Veneno *Giant water serpent* : *hisss*

RNMR #1326

- Yeet Note -

Anti-climax quote

Better if ya had the audio playing

Incorrect Quotes 7 [Rainimator AUs]Where stories live. Discover now