RNMR #25

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*Based off meme I made on YT*

*Mafia kind of like AU but it's unnamed*

*Context on AU: Kane is a bartender whose nightclub (Yah, kind of like an NSFW AU tbh) has somehow become a meeting & chill place for villains, vigilantes, etc*

Karama: *Thinking about how to wake Void up in the nosiest way possible*

Void: *Actually awake cuz people r loud in the club lol*

*Funfact: Void is considered a 'siren' tho he's a bit more like a serpent*

Veneno (Void's summon) : *Appears & hisses at Karama*

Karama: *SCREECH (Idk how to write screams)*


Void *Trying to sleep* : It don't bite...

Karama: YES IT DO-

Veneno: *HISSSSSS*

Karama: *SCREEECH*

RNMR #1225

- Yeet Note -

Karama - Ciara

Void - Rain

Incorrect Quotes 7 [Rainimator AUs]Where stories live. Discover now