RNMR #60

59 1 0

*Out-Of-Context AU but with a hint of Mafia AU*

*When Kane is the only responsible driver*

Stella: Kane's driving!

Ciara: Why does he get to drive!?

Kane: We want to make it to the bar in one piece, Ciara.

Ciara: Boooo.

Rain *Out of view* : Shotgun!

Stella *Turning to face Rain* : Hey, I always have shotgun tho-

Everyone except Rain: What the fuck-

Rain *Holding Kane's shotgun* : No, I found a shotgun! And I call the front seat!

Stella: Why do you have a shotgun in your car, Kane!?

Kane *Takes shotgun from Rain* : Safety precautions.

Rain *Shotgun gone* : Hey-!

RNMR #1260

Incorrect Quotes 7 [Rainimator AUs]Where stories live. Discover now