boyfriend taxi privileges

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This one is inspired by the most recent mini comic. <3 This version is Nicks perspective, but because the comic is so cute, I might do Nellie next - pls enjoy Nick picking up Charlie from the station. Ps I know the mini comic is based at Christmas for this one but its Feb 2023 when I write this SO have changed things up just a touch! 

Happy valentines day loves! 
Hope you all enjoyed todays Heartstopper content we got today - Sadly no trailer or date YET but I feel it in my bones that it is going to come much sooner then we think 
put your predictions in the comments when you think we'll get something and When you think Season 2 will be ours lets talk about it 

Nicks POV

it was half past eleven on a Saturday morning there was a soft but gentle knock at my door "nick its almost midday you need to get a move on poor Charlie doesn't need an actual reason to take the bus in this weather" my eyes slowly open mums standing in the doorway. She's dressed and looks like she's been dressed and baking for hours the sleeves of her jumper rolled up and is wearing a green apron and a pair of leggings, which are covered in a range of baking ingredients which could only mean one thing- Charlie was coming home

it suddenly dawns on me its plan hatching day and I let myself grin it had only been a few weeks since the last time we'd seen each other in person It had actually been just shy of four weeks and a day to be exact... not that Nick had been counting or anything 

Even though we had talked every single day pretty much point was we'd been in constant communication since then, it just so happened mine and Charlie's academic development weeks matched up this month so I'd decided to come home instead of staying up in Leeds so Charlie and I could spend the extra week or so together, though Charlie was none the wiser and had no idea that when he got into the station at half past one that I'd be there waiting for him as I'd convinced him I was staying at uni for some university / UOL rugby conference which obviously was a little white lie - the conference was in fact two weeks after reading week. 

Nellie suddenly clearly hears Charlie's name as she's jumping on my bed licking  my face "mind if I take Nellie with me? I think she's missed him as much as I have" I ask mum though splutters closed eyes and gasping giggles mum chuckles warmly not really believing what she was seeing "I think we'd all enjoy that go ahead! Make sure you wrap up warm and don't forget Charlie's biscuits, Nellie's lead and oh Nick for goodness sakes clean your room it looks like a bombs gone off in here!" she calls walking away leaving my door ajar

I run my hands through my hair groaning as I look around the room it was a state, I'd only been home two days and it looked like a bomb had gone off just several times an hour, clothes thrown all over the floor. Mugs, plates and dishes, littered my desk atop a stack of university papers for an essay I was writing and trying to finish before Charlie arrived home, my half unpacked suitcase lay abandoned in the corner my switch lay abandoned by my TV where I had rage quit the night before while trying to improve my Mario Kart skills   "bloody hell I need to get this crap cleaned up" I say out loud to no one but myself, even still Nellie whines as if to say if you don't do it we both know Charlie will first of all complain before going on a manic cleaning spree and declaring "A clean room is a happy home!" as he quite often did in his annoyingly adorable way. 

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