I: Promise Pup

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I: Promise Pup

Third POV
*1 Year and some months ago*

The abnormally off scent of milk and honey wafted in a pristine office.

Nephrite jade eyes stared down at the floor beneath them, nervous fingers tapped on their lap while the deafening ticks of the clock made their throat clamp up in nervousness.

Their leg began to bounce in anxiety and stress, when suddenly the door to the office opened up.

"Listen, I really didn't mean-," The omega only cut themself off when they realized it wasn't the person they were hoping for.

Rough luck.

"Silence." A sharp and dignified feminine voice spoke, holding up a hand that had French tips.

They walked into the room, holding a file and walking to go sit in the luxe seat behind the desk.

That sweet berry scent they carried left a strong sensation in the omega's nose, as their eyes worriedly followed the tracer.

A perfect, lint-less two piece black business suit with black red bottoms to match.

Small but still so noticeable pearls hung off their neck and earlobes.


This is what the omega imagined what the word 'expensive' would look like if it took form as a woman.

The woman took her seat, a tan leather file placed in front of the both of them, opening it up to find two pieces of paper.

One was information on the omega while the other was a contract.

"I suppose you were expecting my son, weren't you?" She hummed, her crimson gaze sharp on his green ones, "You've called him multiple times so I figured I might as well let you know that his phone has been disabled because he's up in the mountains finding the right person to court."

The omega swallowed hard.

"I-I apologize for bothering you all and him it's just that I really need to speak to him about something..." The omega squeaked out, afraid to lose his lunch in front this decorous woman who was leagues ahead of him.

"Why? To let him know that you are 3 months pregnant with his child and he should take you in and wed you because it?" The woman muttered, not even hiding the disgust in her tone.

The omega looked up, "N-no! I only wanted to-,"

She held up her hand, picking up the paper that had his picture of it,

"Izuku Midoriya. Age 23. Currently working at our family owned strip club." she read out loud, "You live in an apartment, your father was a no-show, your mother was a drug abuser and you've been in and out of foster care more times than I care to read."

Her eyes narrowed in disgust at Izuku.

Why in the world her son and heir apparent to the family business would bother to pay attention to this ordinary omega was beyond her.

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