XVIII: Omega's Declaration of War

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XVIII: Omega's Declaration of War

Third POV

A black Mitsubishi holding three occupants was heading to 'Persephone: In Japan' in the Kiyashi ward shopping mall.

Jirou. who chose to drive looked over at Kaminari who picked at his cuticles, seemingly calm but he was wearing sunglasses so she couldn't really tell.

She guessed she understood his situation, but at the same time she felt iffy.

"Kaminari," She started, "What exactly do you plan on doing when we get there?"

Kaminari turned to look at her, his gaze cold.

"You say it as if I'm gonna do something worse than I usually do."

Sero and Ashido looked to each other in the back, before Ashido butt in.

"Does what he plans to do really matter?" She questioned, "Whoever we plan to visit has Katsuki wrapped around his finger and we have to ensure that they understand who they are dealing with."

Jirou sighed with a reluctant 'okay' before picking up the pace.

Kaminari stared down at his ring finger.

• • •

Izuku found his body hurting as he scrambled more and more to pickup for the slack he left for yesterday.

Which meant he took on the shifts from the other employee, as ordered by Ms. Kayama.

She really wasn't keen on people taking days off, huh?

He couldn't help but worry for his coworkers that he was covering for as they chose not to show up today.

As he finished putting up the last bag on the display shelf, he caught a glimpse of a group entering the store.


He recognized the one in the front from anywhere.

He quickly put away the pole used to grab the bags on the high illuminated shelves, before gently neatening out his uniform and quickly going to attend seeing as how the other two were working at the cash register.

He clasps his hands together and bowed his head.

Watching as Ashido and Sero, stepped aside from Kaminari's view as of this was some sort of cliche scene taken out of a high school show.

Izuku stood up straight and kept his smile, even while watching Kaminari gently tugged down but not all the way, so it rested on the bridge of his nose.

Kaminari was relaxed.

Too relaxed.

It would be naïve of Izuku to think Kaminari hadn't done his research and really didn't know who he was.

If he truly didn't, then he must've come to find out now.

"Izuku." He hummed, even though his tone was sweet, Izuku's name sounded like poison rolling off his tongue.

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