XIV: Sire & Dam

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XIV: Sire & Dam

Third POV

A new day had arrived.

only this time, when Izuku woke up, he had a bitter taste  at the back of his mouth and his stomach hurt.

He felt like staying home.

Locking the door and just wrapping a blanket around him and Shimizu and just sleeping in.

He looked around the apartment for a moment and realized he simply couldn't do that.

It was his second day after all and he couldn't afford quite literally to be fired.

So he sucked it up and went to go prepare Shimizu's diaper bag and take out ingredients to make her breakfast before allowing her to continue to sleep while he got ready.

• • •

This time, drop off was incredibly smooth, as once little Shimizu saw Mrs.Suzumura, she let out a coo and hugged tightly onto her dam before releasing and clinging onto the elderly lady.

Izuku blew her a kiss and waved bye before going down into his car and beginning his descent to work.

And it was at that moment he probably should've turned around.

But he kept going.

Clocking in, saying hello to Ms.Kayama, and preparing the drinks.

He stood idly after complementing his tasks, watching the others quickly shift into their own places after finishing their jobs before the luxury store opened.

The doors opened, only this time Ms.Kayama wasn't there to greet everyone like she was supposed to.

It was only day two and she was expected to do this for the full week but instead she was using one of the landlines situated on the opposite end of the checkout register.

Her brows pinpointed downwards and she seemed really intuned into the conversation she was having with whoever.

Izuku noticed how she looked at him once, then twice. Each time he attempted to avoid her gaze and maintain that professional smile they were told to carry.

Through his peripherals he watched her striaghen out her suit, before going to each staff member that was occupied to beaten out and ensure they were on their absolute best behavior.

She wasn't nearly this strict on grand opening day and that was supposed to be the the times when she's is meant to be tough on all of them.

But it was only thirty minutes to an hour into his shift when she finally came up to him and told him he needs to head to the fitting room closest to the back room, the fitting room meant for employees incase they spilled or got messy.

Not sure why, but he complied and headed to the back, but as he did he caught a glimpse of blond spiky hair coming from the front.

Oh no.

Why couldn't he just keep his big mouth shut yesterday?

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