VIII: Damned to Ruins

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VIII: Damned to Ruins 

Third POV

Izuku was emailed the first quarter incentive pay of the photoshoot after a brief yet professional conversation with miss Kayama.

The check address both him and Shimizu's pay which he thought was quite amusing.

He looked to the side to see Shimizu who cooed in her play pen at the colorful balls and interactive toys.

Her as a little business woman getting checks, how adorable.

"With this first check money, it'll at least cover baby sitting..." he told himself, looking over at the small amount he already had, "That means I can use the rest for gas and food."

He nodded to himself, a shaky smile on his face as he felt confident everything would be okay.

He got up, heading to the bathroom to do the best he could to get his natural skin to glow before tomorrow so they wouldn't have to use too much makeup.

It always made his nose twitch anyways...

• • • Meanwhile • • •

Kaminari's soulless hums echoed in the elevator of his shared penthouse with Katsuki.

The small rectangle showed the beautiful pink and gold sunset of Tokyo as it climbed floor to floor.

The staff that had awaited for him the second he pulled up to car lot took away his bags and as instructed were to place them away into the anteroom of his bedroom.

With a ding, he stepped out and opened the front door to the penthouse with a smile on his face.

Lo and behold standing just a few feet away was Katsuki who was preoccupied by his phone.

Both of their days had proved to be quite fruitful.

"Katsuki, you'd never guess it!" Kaminari squealed, running and jumping into his boyfriend's arm as the alpha turned to look at him.

Katsuki chuckled, "I take it you had a good time at brunch?"

"You came later than expected."

Kaminari shrugged, "Yeah, well we passed so many nice shops while heading to the resturant so we just had to stop and pick up some stuff," using his thumb to point behind him to the staff who was placing stuff away.

"Oh, you looked around, did you?" Katsuki seemingly had an upbeat tone of voice now, "see any shops that caught your attention by any chance?"

Kaminari's eyes glistened, giving Katsuki a sly look now that the man was close to grinning.

"Were you aware that 'Persephone: In Japan' was having its grand opening here in Japan?" Kaminari raised his brow, "And to think I was wishing for it here for months now."

" wouldn't happen to have anything to do with its opening, right?"

Katsuki chuckled, letting go of Kaminari as he shook his head no.

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