XIII: Future Family

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XIII: Future Family

Third POV

Katsuki laid in bed.

The lights off and the room dark as he stared at the ceiling in what looked to be bored.

Oh, but he was the opposite of bored.

Intrigued was better.

His forced boyfriend had found his lost lover before he did, and to think Kaminari didn't even know who Izuku actually was.

Kaminari didn't know that Izuku was the reason he was a distraction in the first place.

That sweet, sweet face.

His work photo from a year ago was nice, but his disappearance for a year and a couple months proved that time was favorable to those who deserved it.

His mind recalled back to the poster Kaminari had shown him on his phone.

That was definitely Izuku he saw that day on the beach, therefore that meant Izuku had a child.

An adorable pup.

He rolled over, staring at his hands as he unknowingly let out pheromones of repugnance at the thought of Izuku having a pup.

He disappears, then returns back to Japan.

It was selfish on his end he supposed, wanting to claim someone from your own family owned strip club as your own.

He had Kaminari and the golden eyed omega was albeit attractive and fertile to have a pup with Katsuki.

It just wouldn't feel right.



Katsuki felt hell of a lot that day with Izuku.

Izuku sat patiently on the the large bed, on the outside he seemed calm but in reality he was releasing such a stronger version of his original scent.

He and Katsuki had only started fooling around about nearly a half a month after he started working at Raion 12 Strip.

Katsuki dropped him off and told him to wait in this room until he returned and that was exactly what Izuku was going to do.

Even if it scared him like crazy.

The sound of his heart pounding completely distracted him from the noise of the door opening and closing, he only reacted when he felt a pair of hands slide over his body in a familiar manner.

"Relax, Izuku." Katsuki hummed, the prime alpha within him immediately subdued any will Izuku had to try and stand against that order.

"Should be right about now, right?" Katsuki muttered, each whisper tickling Izuku's ear, feeling Katsuki's large and awfully skilled hands maneuver around his work costume he hadn't even changed out of yet.

Izuku had only clocked in and had changed before he was told by Uraraka to head to room 17, and that's where Katsuki awaited for him before he snatched the omega up and brought him to a private home that happened to be owned by his family as well.

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