XII: Found

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XII: Found

Third POV

A nervous and overwhelming scent of citrus filled the penthouse elevator as Kaminari's knee bounced and his foot tapped.

The lift couldn't climb any faster and when it did he tossed the stuff to the household help, telling them to put them away before he questioned the assistant meant to help Katsuki out.

"Where is he?" Kaminari raised his brow, his tone sounding venomous.

"Young Bakugo left for a dinner meeting with some of his associates, and he doesn't plan on returning until 5 PM, sir."

Kaminari tsked.

Of course he was gone.

He went to his room, trying to think of any and every possible outcome or explanation for all of this.

As much as he wanted to deny it from existence, he knew there was a possibly chance that the store employee knew Katsuki.

The shoes he wore, there was no way he'd be able to afford it on a retail employees salary.

Kaminari would know.

His eyes shifted to the pair he still had in his walk in closet.

The pair he got from Katsuki on his birthday.

They were custom made designer shoes and only twenty had been made in the entirety of Japan.

They could've been knock offs sure, but it would be social suicide to walk out in such rare shoes that only  the wealthiest people in Japan would wear.

And by no means did he look expensive.

He stood in front of the mirror, staring at the shoes that were placed delicately on his feet.

"Katsuki doesn't know him... he just doesn't." his inner omega repeated.

And even if Katsuki did, so what?

It was probably a past friendship that didn't mean shit.

The employee said it himself and before Kaminari even met Katsuki he was warned that the blond used to sleep and mess around with anyone.

He pulled out his phone, with the idea to maybe call Mitsuki Bakugo and ask if she could find something on him, but just as he pressed on her contact and nearly pressed the call button he remember what she said about him.

Him and his family being useless without her and her family's abilities.


He wasn't going to prove her wrong.

He could handle things on his own.

He was going to prove himself.

• • •

Izuku parked inside the apartment complex, taking a quick moment in his seat to just destress and relax for a moment.

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