XI: To Shimizu

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XI: To Shimizu

Third POV

* 21 Years Later*

The sound of black platforms thumping hard on cool imported tiles echoed in the minimalistic corridor.

The woman who owned the shoes donned a burgundy colored turtleneck and a black pencil skirt to match.

Her long blonde hair that had be placed into pin curls instead of it's wild and natural form sway with each determined stride she took.

Her head was racing with thoughts as she muttered under her breath about her parent who was back at it again.

Trying to decide her life for her.

Not on her watch though.

She brushed past her bodyguards and the people meant to protect her sire's office, politely telling them to 'fuck off and get out of my way'.

Her well manicured French tips busted one of the wooden doors open, as her emerald eyes framed by beautifully thick eyelashes that creased with her brows into a frown.


~21 Years Ago~

Izuku moved quickly in his kitchen.

His nerves had calmed down significantly since he had arrived home and was back in the zone.

Shimizu was in the bedroom, resting her little self away after a very hectic and bright cartoon filled day with the add ons of cookies and juice back at Mrs.Suzumura.

In her own little world.

He on the other hand was trying to come up for something for her to eat, but not forgetting that Katsuki was coming over after he had urged him to.

Izuku was albeit embarrassed to confess why he wanted Katsuki to come over, but the alpha had assured him that Kaminari wouldn't do such a thing and was mostly just talk.

And now that he wasn't backed by the biggest arms dealing family in Asia, he'd probably mope over it and eventually let it go.

Either way, Katsuki said that he'd come over regardless and there was something he had to tell Izuku.

Izuku didn't know why, but he felt excited.

He felt a weight getting lifted off his shoulders as time passed.

He felt hopeful each time he thought about his pup, as his wish for them to finally relax and not have to worry about anything else was finally going to come true.

If you had told him, a year a some months ago that he'd be forming a real relationship with Katsuki, Izuku would've probably scoffed and turned away.

It felt surreal.

He wiped away a bead of sweat that rolled along his forehead, letting the pot of curry simmer as he closed it to preserve the aroma and finish cooking the rest of the way.

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