They're back

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Seán is currently driving back to Henrik's work place along with Anti.

Both brothers had the same thing in mind. They were both worried for Henrik, they knew he was worked up about his project but never to this extent.

"This was just like when Henrik started experimenting on us. He didn't knew when to quit after our first" Anti sighed while looking out the window.

"Boy, you have no idea. He can get stubborn, real stubborn."

"I'm surprise Dark isn't coming with us today. He's always sticking with you like glue" Seán added Making Anti snort. "He's still also pretty worked up on what happend with him and Henrik. I let him stay out of this on this one."

Seán chuckled followed with a nod "Understandable."

"Do you think Henrik will achieve it?"

Seán gave him a look for a moment. Pecking his lips before letting out a sigh "I don't know. . . It sounded impossible yet you're here alive too."

The other men shifted in his seat "Isn't that scary to think about? It's great and all that Henrik wants to help other people but. . . He might bring back something dangerous from the dead"

He had a weird feeling while saying that.

"Are you scared of what Henrik told about you too?"

"The dying part?"

Seán nodded just recieving a chuckle from his brother  "Oh i've been dead since day one. I already know what's that like. The stuff coming back from the dead that scares me more"

Both agreed and talked before parking at his building. Anti took a peak as he went out the car.

"Weird, no one is here. There should be atleast a few people here wanting to test out his machines"

Jack followed and went to the door. "Well it's open, maybe he was just tired and just closed his business for a few." Opening the door and looking around.

"I have a weird feeling. . ." Anti looked around. Literal no one was here. "Hey maybe it's just a quiet day, come on let's go"

Seán tried to be optimistic when he grabbed Anti's arm and walked to Henrik's office. "Henrik? Hey we're here"

Opening the door, no one was here. Everything seemed to be intact though.

"Seán, fuck i really have a bad feeling." Anti's ears twitched. He rubbed his hands together while his body twitched. He felt way tense than he could handle.

He felt firm hands on his shoulders, looking up to see his brother. "Hey calm down, what are you feeling?"

"I-I just feel fucking weird. . . I don't know what feeling this is" Anti breathed through his sentences. He really seemed freaked out. His senses were going off the charts to the point he couldn't even handle it.

"Is it danger? Is something here?"

Anti shrugged "I-. . I don't know!"

Seán sighed and let go of his brother before looking out into the office. . . He didn't wanted to believe something roamed here that Anti could sense.

"Fuck Henrik i hope you didn't do it. Now is not the time." Seán thought when he stepped out of the office.

Anti followed more freaked out than ever "What if Henrik's in danger. .?"
Seán shaked his head "Henrik's seen worst. . . But we do need to find him alright?"

The other male nodded and both watched each others back while walking. Anti glitched his knife into his hands in case he needed to get defensive.

God they just had a severe sense of deja vu.

A Soul For A Soul (Sequel To Beyond And Below:Two Souls)Where stories live. Discover now