Darkiplier Vs "Antisepticeye"

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"You came at a very bad time, Darkiplier. . ."

Dark's eyes dilated upon hearing his voice. Immidiately bared his teeth and finally turning around to the right direction. . . He was right there.

The man was grinning on the other end of the hallway, one light was shining above him. He was leaning on his cane, not worried about him at all.

Dark didn't even took a step forward before suddenly someone blocked his path.

"Get out of my way" Dark growled but the other entity just chuckled.

"M̵̙̋͊á̴̳͈́k̴̮̰̿ẽ̵̪ ̷̧͘m̷̲̈́̿ë̴̻̮́" Echo grinned his sharp fangs showing before lifting up his knife and attacked him.

Dark dodged, he planned to just go pass him but that wasn't happening. Yet he can't hurt him also.

The other entity just seem to throw himself into the fight, giving it all he has, making every swing count.

"What's wrong, Darkidoo?~ C̵͖̀A̶̦̋N̶̳̏'̷̗͝Ṫ̵̟ ̵̠͌H̵͕͌U̶̺̔R̵̕ͅT̵͙̍ ̴͍͐Y̷̪͂O̴̡͛U̵̡̿R̷̘͆ ̴̮͠L̷͕̅Ȏ̶̠V̵͈̿E̴̝͊Ȑ̸̼?!" Echo glitched agressively getting annoyed seeing his opponent just kept dodging.

Echo growled and glitched into all around directions around him in attempt too stab him. But he was good at dodging, even better in the dark. . .He kept blending into it.

He had an idea. . .

Echo stopped as he panted and stepped back from Dark. Both seemed to have an eye to eye moment for a second.

"Echo, Actor is using you. Whatever deal you made with him, he is not gonna give his part end of it." Dark tried to convince him.

Echo didn't listened.

He rubbed his hands together and started glitching more. Electrical sparks emitted from his hands, shouting in the process before punching his own hand into the wall.

Cracking it in the process, making a hole in it as his body just shifted from reality as it kept glitching and suddenly the sparks spread around the hall.

The lights suddenly lit up through the hallway.

Dark blinked his eyes, shocking him at the sudden flashing lights. He realized his plan, Dark backed up and tried to spread his own black shadows in attempt to cover the lights.

The Darkness spread then it got into where the hand buried in the wall.

Echo snapped and ripped his hand out of the all.

Dark's skin paled when he realized his mistake. . . He had forgotten Echo has his own abilities. . . .

He knew he was rusty at fighting but not this rusty. . .

Echo grinned and clenched his hand. . . It was all black. Glaring and stood tall against his opponent, waving his hand to show his new power. . .

He had once again absorbed Dark's power. Rendering Dark's power immune to Echo.

"This is just. . .P̶̮̉A̸͍̋Ṭ̵̾H̸͘ͅE̵̙̽Ṯ̸̇I̸̓͜C̸͈͗"

Dark didn't wanted to admit it. He tried his best but he can't stop him now. . . He wasn't the upper entity anymore. . .

"Echo. . ." He tried passive persuading again.

But he didn't listened, he saw him charging up.


He glitched infront of him, Dark didn't saw what he did. It happend too fast.

All he saw was a horrifying image of the clone before blacking out. . .

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