Fighting death

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Anti felt like he was already dead. Or in a deep coma. . .

He felt so goddamn weak just opening an eye is hard for him. He didn't felt anything at all. . . It's like he was floating.

God this feels familiar. . .

This almost felt like how he lived his old life. . . Just nothing. Only connected to his brother like some animal on a leash. Just a battery for power.

He didn't regretted that old life of his but he sure as hell didn't wanted to go back.

Anti only has his own mind to roam, he can hear the others. But barely. . . He couldn't make out some sentences.

He only heard Dark most of the time. Especially his yells. . . Poor man probably kept having fights with the others. .

Anti assumed everything on the outside world and he felt bad. He wanted to help if his soul wasn't being sucked away from him slowly.

He missed being alive.

He missed his brother and friends.

He missed Dark. . .

"He has been gone for a few days. . . "

"He'll be fine, Dark is probably just taking his time to find them"

Anti heard them talking again

"Dark is gone?" Anti thought to himself, trying to focus on hearing them.

"He-. . . Take this long. . . I'm worried. ."

Whatever he's hearing, it kept fading away. He couldn't hear the full thing. It just made him more worry.

Where is Dark?

Worry started to fill is void of a head. Oh the thing's he'd do to just be able to stand up right now and know what's going on.

"The machine is almost done, we have a matter a few hours left."

"How will we even find Dark?"

Everyone silenced. None of them knew how to find him. They don't even knew him being in trouble was possible.

"Ve can't waste time now. . . The machine is almost done, the best way we can help him and Anti is to get the machine vorking

He heard some clearly, some don't. He couldn't piece what their plan was.

But he was worried, all he got from that was currently Dark's absence. . .

"Are you always this annoying to your guest?" Dark just growled, thats all he could do while the other entity taunted and teased him for hours.

God he hoped he's just stab him right now.

Echo grinned "Are you always that bad in fights?" He mocked and kept tilting his head to the side.

Dark glared at him then rolled his eyes, he was getting real tired of his ties and bullshit. Echo just laughed seeing him making his "guest" miserable.

"You could've prevented being tied up if you just fought back. You really held back on yourself Darkiplier~"

Echo twirled his knife, he kept testing the other man's patience.

"I didn't wanted to hurt you."

Echo just laughed "You mean you didn't wanted to hurt, Anti."

Speaking of Anti, Dark couldn't help but worry. . . What if Actor ambushed them right now? And he's trapped over here.

A Soul For A Soul (Sequel To Beyond And Below:Two Souls)Where stories live. Discover now