No time to rest

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They agreed to move Anti in a place where they can treat him better.

Henrik's building was announced destroyed when they saw it became public with his machine exploded. . .

But there was still materials he needed back at his own home. Setting Anti at one of his spare bedrooms and giving the medical things he needed.

It couldn't stop Anti's continuous weakening but it can slow it. Giving them more time to execute a plan.

Dark watched as Henrik did what he needed to do while not leaving his eyes on Anti.
Henrik couldn't help but look at Dark here and there. He knew he was worried.

"Dark, i vant to apologize-"

"You want to apologize now? Apologize by saving Anti then. He is the one you should be apologizing too. He got dragged in by your stupidity."
Dark spatted giving daggers for glares.

Henrik immidiately shutting up and continued his work. lastly setting up a heart beat monitor to keep them updated on how's Anti's body will be.

It beeped but it was dangerously slow already.

He made his part, looking at Dark knowing he's waiting for him to leave. So he did. Leaving the couple on their own as Henrik joined the others in a different room.

Dark looked at the door before going next to Anti, sitting next to his bed. Went to reach for his hand, it was cold.

He held it close to his chest in attempt to make it warm for him. He was getting weak fast, he couldn't even talk anymore.

Henrik had to put an oxygen mask on him to keep him breathing. . .

This all happend too fast, they were okay a few days ago then this shit suddenly happens.
He thought it was over. He thought Anti wouldn't have to go through this again.

But its happening. This time it's different. They are getting into a war barely Dark got out of before.

He felt the hand by his chest fold against his.

Immidiately looking up to meet with Anti's eyes. "Hey. . ." Dark softly moved his other hand to move the hair from his partner's face.

His eyes were weak, already covered in dark marks under it. He looked like he could barely keep it open.

"Don't worry, love. We'll get you back to normal. . . Hang in there"

He stayed there a little longer comforting him.

Henrik got into a different room, making Seán and Marvin perked up.
"Hows Anti?"

The doctor sighed and sat with them "He's not doing good. . . Ve have a matter of a few days before he gets anymore worst than he already is. . .I have no idea how i'll make the same machine in a short time"

"Hey" Marvin went to pat his shoulder "I know you can do it, i'll help. Have a little faith."
The doctor pecked his lips and nodded.

Seán then stood up "Well We've better get and grab the materials we need if we're gonna do this."

"Maybe grab Chase on the way" Marvin added. They didn't had time to grab Chase before hand. But they need all the help they can get, a little late is better than never.

Henrik nodded "Of course. . . I'll stay in case Anti vill need assistance. You two better go and come back fast, ve have no idea how Actor or Echo vill be tracking us but knowing Echo. They'll be quick."

The two men nodded as Seán was about to go out. He noticed Marvin didn't followed him.

"Where are you going?" The magician raised a brow. Making Seán confused as well. "I though we were going?"

A Soul For A Soul (Sequel To Beyond And Below:Two Souls)Where stories live. Discover now