Chapter 8: New Element

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Aloisia got up early, her tears had only stopped when her eyes had closed and she had fallen asleep. No matter how hard she had tried her tears kept falling. She didn't want to cry, she knew her brother would be laughing at her for being so upset and her parents would be telling her its not her fault but she also knew could never hear them speak ever again. So Aloisia cried. Talking to fury had brought back memories, the happy, the sad. Aloisia wished she could forget her life before earth. But then didn't want to forgot the people she cared about and where she grew up. So took back her wish. Aloisia had also decided that she wanted to tell Tony the truth. She felt to guilty not to, so she headed to his lab.

Aloisia opened the door and almost got sliced in half by a laser beam "Tony, what the hell!" She exclaimed

"One second" Tony shouts, not stooping what he was doing.

"Initialising prismatic accelerator. Approaching maximum power" Jarvis says as Tony turns a wheel at the top of the tubing using a wrench as a lever.

"That was easy" Tony says removing the triangle form the centre using some tweezers.

"Congratulations sir. You have created a new element" Jarvis says as Tony places the triangle in the reactor "Sir, the reactor has accepted the modified core. I will begin running diagnostics"

"Wait you created a new element?" Aloisia asks, Tony nods "does this mean you are not going to die?" She asks. Tony nods once more. Aloisia smiles brightly and hugs him tightly. "Thank you for not giving up" she says with a smile.

"You're welcome?"

"There is something i need to tell you Tony"

"tell away" Tony says with a grin.

"I am not from here. I am from another planet called Zafies. I can manipulate fire and shadows and have super strength compared to the people of earth" Aloisia says, speaking very quickly. She pauses, Tony pauses.

"I knew there was something going on. But didn't quite expect it to be that" Tony says "thank you for telling me and I understand why you kept it from me"

"Wow, Tony stark being mature" Aloisia says sarcastically. "But thank you"

"Well Sia, I just created a new element which means I am no longer dying, I am a new man" Tony says smirking. "Why did you leave your planet?" Tony asks curiously.

"A titan came and blew mine up, I am the only Zafien left" Aloisia responds, Tony's smirk disappears as he hugs the girl.

"So you did lose you parents at fourteen, just not in the way you told us" Tony asks, Aloisia nods. "Im sorry"

"It was a while ago. It shouldn't bother me anymore" Aloisia says

"But it does?" Tony asks sadly, he really understands. His parents death does still bother him too. He cant imagine how losing you entire planet must feel.

"Yeah, it really does" Aloisia says, tears falling freely. Tony hugs her tightly as she cries into his shoulder.

"Dummy, You, can we clean up this mess? You're killing me. You know I don't" the pair part and tony says

"Incoming call with a blocked number sir" Jarvis informs.

"My phone privilege is reinstated. Lovely. Coulson. How's the Land of Enchantment?"

"Hey, Tony, how you doing? I double cycle" Ivan says. Aloisia hears him and her face drops in realisation.

"You what?"

"You told me double cycle's more power. Good advice"

"You sound pretty sprightly for a dead guy"

"You too"

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