Chapter 13: Take Care

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Natasha attempts to get through the crumbling fortress but as the building slams around bit of metal and glass attack Natasha, pushing her to other ground. Al follows closely behind. Shielding Natasha as the roof falls down on them. The weight breaks the floor beneath them. Al grabs Nat's arm, using her other hand to hold the side of the floor they fell through. She releases Natasha, who lands on her feet and then lets go herself. Propelling some fire out of her feet to break her fall.

Natasha looks towards the cell next to her. She walks towards the glass as taskmaster smacks it "Antonia. No!" Natasha says, placing a hands on the glass, "I'm gonna open the door. You're gonna come after me. It's okay. It's okay. I know you're still in there. And I'm not gonna leave you. Okay" Natasha presses the buttons on the control panel and the glass door retracts, sliding open. Aloisia's stands close to Natasha, her hands ready to release a burning ember if anyone tries to get to Natasha.

Before anyone can even move an explosion rips through the room, tilting the flying compound. Nat and Al slide down. Natasha grabs the batons from her back and uses their metal blades to grip onto the floor, preventing her from falling. "Al!" Nat shouts as Aloisia struggles to get a grip. But the girl spins, producing flames that greatly reduce her momentum allowing her to grip into some metal. The strip that Nat and Al cling to slowly spins around, allowing the girls to jump off. Natasha manages to roll to reduce the impact, but Aloisia struggles, crashing into the floor.

Natasha turns to help her but Aloisia shouts "Go, I'm fine!" Al manages to stand and begin to run after her girlfriend as Dreykov is ushered into a jet by his guards. Yelena runs after them, closely follow by Natasha.

Yelena grapples onto the ship, running towards one of the engines, pulling out her electrified baton "Yelena!" Natasha shouts as she realises what her sister is doing.

"She's on the wing! Move! What are you waiting for?" dreykov orders, as guards begin to aim their guns

"Don't do it!" Natasha shouts desperately, while Al catches up to her, staring at Yelena in shock.

"This was fun!" Yelena replies with a sad smile.

"No!", the blonde lifts the baton up, stabbing the engine. It explodes, blasting Yelena backwards and off the runway. The ship is consumed by the flames, killing everyone inside it.

Natasha grabs a spare parachute and jumps after Yelena. Al glances down to her abdomen, that has resumed bleeding again. She breathes in deeply, before running after her girlfriend and jumping off the facility.

Natasha keeps her limbs tucked tightly against her body to gain more speed as she follows a limp Yelena. Eventually she manages to get her, the girls crash into one another and Natasha begins to secure the parachute to her sister. Aloisia follows closely behind, propelling herself through the air faster by igniting her hands. Yelena can only watch as Natasha pulls the parachute, opening it up to allow Yelena to behind a slow decent. Nat holds onto her sister but upon seeing taskmaster gain on them, she lets go. Aloisia sees Taskmaster get closer to Natasha. So changes her trajectory and aiming for the masked fighter. Al slams her body into taskmasters, but taskmasters only spins them around, before kicking Al harshly. Pain fires through the girls body as taskmasters foot collides with her already sore abdomen. Al crashes into falling debris as taskmaster resumes her course for Natasha. 

Taskmaster pulls a knife from her back and pushes it into the metal that her and Natasha land on, she grabs onto Natasha and the two spin wildly. Pulling taskmasters parachute, Natasha breaks their fall. Nat jumps off as taskmasters parachute drags them across the floor. Eventually she manages to break it off and begin to make her way over to Natasha.

Taskmaster pulls another sword out and swings at Natasha, nat only dodges, grabbing her wrist  and taking the sword out of her hand before pushing off toastmasters chest and flipping around. Nat holds the swords up in a surrender, "enough" she says dropping the sword. But taskmaster wraps a hand around her neck. delving her fist down on taskmasters arm, nat breaks free. She flips onto taskmasters back and brings them both down to the ground, getting the helmet off her in the process by releasing it from the control pad on her wrist.

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