Chapter 11: Captains Orders

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Aloisia and Natasha are preparing to go, Aloisia does not wish to part from Natasha and feels that Nat should not be going on this mission especially after her injury. Natasha is still sore and very tired after dealing with her bullet wound and losing so much blood and Aloisia knows this. Al is in a spare combat outfit that was stored in the shadow realm as her normal suit it back at her apartment, that is incredibly close to shield. She knows it would be too risky to go back as a hydra agent is probably guarding it. Aloisia notices Natasha seems lost in though, Al offers her a concerned glance and a reassuring smile. "Are you sure you are okay to do this?" Aloisia asks, concern lacing her tone

Natasha chuckles lightly, not at anything specific, more as a way to reassure Al that she is okay. Natasha has never had someone care for her so much, no one like Aloisia. Aloisia had never cared for someone so much since her planet was destroyed, no one like Natasha. Natasha found herself caring without having to try, it just happened and that was strange to her. She was deeply concerned whenever something happened to Aloisia and desperately wanted to make sure she was okay. Earlier in their friendship Aloisia could sometimes see Nat's inner struggle, the conflict she faced of letting someone in, but as their friendship grew, so did Natasha and Aloisia, as people. Natasha let herself care, she let herself worry, and Aloisia allowed herself to let Natasha in, to trust her, be close to her.

The two women had connect with each other in ways they hadn't been able to do with anyone else. "I promise, I'm okay"

"If there is any moment you need to leave, if your shoulder pulls, if you get too tired, if you lose even a drop of blood. Call and I will get you out and safe. I wont force you away but if you need to leave, for any reason. I will find you" Aloisia said, smiling. Natasha wordlessly wraps her arms around Aloisia, Aloisia freezes slightly, not expecting the contact. But melts against Natasha's touch, and into her arms.

"If I need you I will call. Thank you" Natasha says, breaking away from Al, who smiles shyly.

"Im going to go and find Steve, make sure he's not doing anything stupid. I'll leave you be. Please be careful" Aloisia offers one final smile and walks off.

Aloisia meets sam on her way to find Steve. "I never got to properly thank you for helping us. And i should probably explain my abilities" Aloisia offers as the duo walk to find Steve.

"You don't have to, I certainly didn't expect it. I knew there was someone with fire abilities at New York but I didn't realise it was you. I figured you were another agent, at first i though you could have been Steve's girlfriend" Sam admits

Aloisia laughs loudly "neither me nor Steve have any interest in each other romantically. And I am an alien, i left my plant about 10 years ago now. My people, Zafiens aren't all like me. they have the strength, speed, and agility i have but not the fire or shadows" Aloisia explains, sam listens respectfully nodding.

"Why did you leave?"

"I was forced to, a titan came to my planet and before he destroyed it i managed to escape by entering the shadow realm. No one else had this ability so I became the only one left" Al admits, she finds no point in hiding this information as Sam needs to be told.

"Oh, sorry" sam says unsure. Her offers a small gentle smile, which Al returns.

"It's okay. I've accepted it now" Aloisia mutters, Sam nods. They spot Steve, seemingly very deep in thought

Aloisia assumes, Steve's thoughts of Bucky, yet they are interrupted as Sam and Aloisia join him on the bridge

"He's gonna be there, you know?" Sam says

"I know" Steve mutters

"Look, whoever he used to be, the guy he is now, I don't think he's the kind you save. He's the kind you stop" Sam explains, Aloisia nods, Steve and Bucky may have been like brothers then, but now Bucky doesn't even know who he is, let alone who steve is.

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