Chapter 28

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I haven't had time to talk to anyone lately. I've been busy with school work and quidditch so I haven't really had time to talk to Harry or the others.

I plan on doing it sometime later in the week but for now I'll just keep to myself. "Violetta." I looked down seeing Regulus and James on the quidditch field. We're in the middle of practice what are they doing?

I looked at Matteo who gave me a nod. I flew down to the ground getting off my broom holding it close to me.

"What's wrong I'm of the middle of practice?" I asked them. "Your dad and I-James were waiting for you." Flint said as I rolled my eyes. "Can this wait till after practice? Their waiting for me."

"Of course it can wait go back to practice we'll be in the stands." James told me as I gave him a nod and flew back up.

"Done talking to your daddy's? Because I'm sure our practice is more important than that." Marcus said as i clenched my fist. Blaise came to my side. "Ignore him." He told me. "I'll try to." I mumbled.


Me and Regulus sat down in the stand watching the kids practice more watching Violetta play.

"She plays like you did." I spoke up telling Regulus. "Yeah I pretty amazing at it." He said cockily. "Your cocky." I told him as he looked at me. "Really want to talk about cocky? All throughout our years here at the castle you were the most cocky person I've ever met. That's where Harry gets his cockiness from is from you." Regulus said.

"Lies I was not cocky." I told him trying not to smile. "Yeah, yeah, that smile your trying to fight says otherwise." He said as I faced him giving him a kiss. "I hate when your right." I told him. "I know that's why me and Lily always team up against you."

He said. Little shits. "I know you two do it all the time." I told him. "Our baby is all grown up and we missed all of it." Regulus spoke. "We still have some time Reg remember she's only twelve." "We have time to make up for the years we've missed. We missed seven years of her life and now she's back I'm just happy she's home."

I told him as he agreed. "It's best we continue with the present and not the past because if we're so caught up in the past we're gonna miss what's right in front of us." I told him. "Since when did you get so smart?" He told me. "I've always been smart." I told him as he a made a face as I rolled my eyes.

"You freak!" We looked down to the ground to see Matteo holding back Violetta. We quickly rushed down to the field only to see Violetta attacking the same student again. "She definitely takes after you." I told Regulus as he rolled his eyes.

"Can you boys get her." Regulus told them as they looked at Violetta hitting the boy and shook their heads. I let out a sigh picking her she was burning hot. "Let me down." She said trying to get out of my grip.

"No." "Do you want us to get her-It's fine we got this." "Go clear the field go get ready for class." Regulus said as the kids took off except for Matteo and Draco and Blaise.

"We got her don't worry." I told them as they hesitantly left. I placed Violetta back on her feet as she stared at us. "What was that about?" I asked. "Why would you get me!" She told us.

"You we're attacking a student." Regulus told her. "So what! He deserves it." She said getting more angrier. Very much Lily all right their.

"Violetta-he's a douche bag so why take me off it was time before someone gave him a lesson!" She said her eyes a vibrant orangish reddish color.

"Violet." I touched her arm as it was burning. She stepped back. "Violet!" She turned around seeing Matteo walking over. "I've got to go." She mumbled before walking off.

"You saw her eyes as well or what I dreaming?" Regulus said. "Saw them as well and when I touched her arm it was burning. Theirs something more we don't know about that they know and we must know what it is." I told him as he nodded his head.

"Let's let her cool down than we'll talk to her." Regulus said as I gave him a nod. He took my hand holding it leading us out.

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